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Posts posted by zach_m

  1. The lab involving the groups jumping has a very high percent error due to uncontrollable factors. For one, it is difficult to record the exact time a person is in the air for. Timers may be off, or a person’s reaction time to hit the timer is not exact. This makes for inaccuracies within the experiment. Another factor that increases the percent error is if the person takes a step on accident, this may give them a much different result than those people who are standing still. If this lab could be redesigned, a more accurate form of timing would be very helpful. One such way to do this is using a timing app on your phone which can record the time you’re your immediate jump, to the time you land.


    by: Annie, Erika, Jaclyn, Ian, Zach

  2. Breaking news

    High School Students Find the Acceleration due to Gravity:

    Recently, students at Irondequoit High School have performed an experiment that led them to discover the acceleration due to gravity. The students conducted this test in room 3033, using merely a foam ball, a meter stick, and a stop watch. The students had one group member stand on a desk, holding the ball in the air. Another student then measured the distance from the floor to the bottom of the ball. After having discovered the distance, the student holding a ball, as well as two other students, timed how long it took for the ball to hit the ground. The students performed four trials to get the most accurate results. Next, the students used a kinematic equation to discover the acceleration of the ball. After having found the acceleration, the students subtracted the accepted acceleration value (9.81m/s^2) from their own experimental value and then divided by the accepted value to find the percent error. The percent error for the group ultimately came out to be 30%. The intelligence level in this school is astounding! Irondequoit High School is producing physicists in the making!



    by: Annie, Erika, Jaclyn, Ian, Zach

  3. Hi everyone, my name is Zach and I am a junior in high school. I played soccer from the age of 7 to 13, and now I run track in the spring. I participate in a little club called Masterminds, which is basically jeopardy, and compete against other schools (boring I know). I also love to travel. The best place I've been in the United States is Los Angeles, CA. In my free time I like to read and listen to music.


    I am taking physics because it seems like one of the most interesting science classes. It is also the study of everything, which is pretty interesting. I hope to learn more about how the world works, and possibly gain some life skills. I am also taking physics because I want to have experience in plenty of subjects, as I'm not quite sure what I want to do with my life, so this class may open or close a door for the future.    

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