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Posts posted by Cheetay

  1. Breaking news just in: physics students at IHS have justcalculated the acceleration due to gravity! Said students had the tallest student hold the ball up in the air. The other students measured the distance fromthe floor to the middle of the ball. Then the tallest student dropped the ball and timed its fall 3times. Then they calculated theacceleration with the formula: a=2d/t^2. They discovered that the acceleration due to gravity is 11.49 m/s^2 withtheir percent error equaling 17.2%! “Thisis a small drop for man, but a greater drop for physics.”

  2. Taylor Ch, Josh W, Abby, Mary, and Elie

    We wanted to figure out the velocity of cars passing by our High School. We measured 30meters between two points and had people standing at both points. We also had two people recording the time it took for each car to pass: one would say go when the car passed, heading south, and the two would start their time, then stop it when it passed the second person 30m away.

    [TABLE="class: MsoNormalTable, width: 307"]


    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]Car


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]Descrip.


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]Time (s)


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]Distance (m)


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]Speed




    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]1


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]W. Ford


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]2.86


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]2


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]G. Dodge


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]2.83


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]3


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]Motorcycle


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]3.12


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]4


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]Subaru


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]3.03


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]5


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]B. Dodge


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]2.65


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]6


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]R. Chevy


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]3.61


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]7


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]Camaro


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]2.7


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]8


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]Rusty Car


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]2.37


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]9


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]Security


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]3.38


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]10


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]Tractor


    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]3.45


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"]30


    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"]Average


    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]

    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"]3


    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]

    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"]





    [TD="width: 63, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]

    [TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]

    [TD="width: 84, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]

    [TD="width: 110, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]

    [TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]



    So we concluded that, it being near a school, cars are more cautious than in other environments- say one of our streets. While many still text and don’t seem to pay attention (like the one young adult that didn’t move for roughly a minute after the light turned green, angering the cars behind them), there where some that are more cautious, even waiting for us to cross the street when they technically did not have to.

    The funny thing that everyone in our group, before conducting the experiment, believed that many of the people would speed by when the light was green. The truth is something we didn’t expect. Many people were actually under the speed limit. We cannot tell if this was because us students were standing there or because of the stoplight (and the possibility of a police car loitering around) or just because they were good citizens (hah). So, ultimately, there are not speeding problems on Cooper Road… at least during school hours J

  3. So, I'm a junior at IHS and the best way to describe me is "interesting". All my friends are strange- some may even call a few crazy- but I love hanging out with them and, unfortunately, I've picked up a lot of their strange quirks (and when I say strange I mean down right WEIRD). I'm a little bit of a nerd, too... if you ever ask me a question about animals, I'll either know the answer or quickly go to figure it out so I do know it. I love animals and want very much to be a Zookeeper when I'm older; that or an [exotic] animal trainer. I'm not sure quite yet which college I want to go to, but I plan on figuring it out this year.

    I'm taking Physics for a few reasons... For one, my dad (an engineer at Xerox) said I had to take it this year. I also thought it would be a fun course to take because it teaches us why things happen. So I'm hoping to find out why my sister smells... among more, as my mom says "physics-y" like gravity, friction, magnets, and more "practical" things (she wasn't happy when she looked over my shoulder :))

    Nah, honestly I just hope to have fun and learn things.

    Now if you'll excuse me, it is time for home-made pizza... well, almost home-made! Me encantan comer pizza~

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