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BGoebert last won the day on May 2 2013

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About BGoebert

  • Birthday 11/04/1996

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  1. BGoebert


    nice job, seems like you really got this concept down. Physics really is demonstrated in Lacrosse like wow! YAY CAITLIN!
  2. What's better.....being faster or being slower? Obviously faster. Have you ever wondered why some people are faster than others though? Are there trends? To understand the basics physics of running, you can think of your arms as pendulums. A pendulums velocity depends on the length of the pendulum, not the mass of the bottom. If the pendulum is shorter, the speed of the mass at the bottom is faster. Your mass at the end of the pendulum you can think of as your feet. Then proceed to assume that your legs are the pendulums. In order to shorten the pendulum...you have to bend your knees. Obviously you cannot run well with your knees locked, but you will run faster if your knees are bent. You can also think of your arms as a second type of pendulum. If you bend your arms at a 90 degree angle and swim them in stride with your legs, you will then proceed to run even faster.
  3. Im writing in red because I completley agree with this! Physics is everywhere! #BallIsLife
  4. Wow this is helpful. Ive always wondered myself since im not a lacrosse player but this really helps me understand more!
  5. It was a cold day outside. Probabaly somewhere around 40 degrees farenheit out on the field. All bundled up, we were taking batting practice. When my turn came up I knew I had to work on something, I was 1 for my last 5 in game at bats and that, in baseball, is considered poor. I knew that to turn something around at the plate, I needed to fix my swing for the better and whenever you fix something in the sport of baseball, physics will always somehow be incorporated. While taking batting practice, I knew something was wrong and needed to be fixed. When taking my swings something felt off. My swing was way to early, it takes .55 seconds for an 80 mile per hour fastball to get to the batter. I was swinging well before this and i needed to figure out why. Then, after a short while I began taking notice of how close my hands were level to the ground. My hands wrapped around the bat were approximatley 45 degrees from my back shoulder. This was far to close. The smaller angle you have your hands to your back shoulder the quicker your swing will be and the less time you have to make contact between bat and ball. So, in saying this, I tried raising my hands. I raised my hands to about a 120 degree angle between my hands wrapped around the bat and my back shoulder. In doing this, you create more distance for the bat to cover before your full swing is complete. Having done this, your hands take longer to get through the strike zone, and the more time you have to make direct contact between the baseball bat and the ball. The next game...I was 3 for 3. Call me Einstein.
  6. Procedure: 1.) we fist gathered our materials, stop watch, meterstick and ball 2.) we timed the ball dropping a meter from the surface of the floor 3 times 3.) we used average of the times to then use in our kinematic equations to find acceleration do to gravity. 4.) Then we calculated our percent error from the actual acceleration do to gravity. Procedure for secoond mini lab: 1.) We calculated height of our jumping abilities. 2.) We then used our time and equations of kinematics to get a calculated height. 3.) Finally we compared our calculated heights to our actual and dtermined our percent error. Deliverables determining g: This was a very enjoyable lab however qabetter lab would have been to propose a bunch of seperate problems around the room and solve the problems at each station. The problems can involve kinematic equations and also gravitation questions ranging with content about bullets to sports question and even relation of accelerations for gravity of other planents. I suggest this new idea because i feel it will be more enjoyable and can cover more topics and examples. Deliverables determinig max height: This lab was not acurate based on our testing because it required people to be timers which are not persice in exact measurements. This lab would of been alot more acurate if it invoved video footage that can slo motionly capture the time to make judging alot easier. This would be the better more acurate way of setting this expirement up.
  7. My name is Brenden and i am 15 years old. I am a junior at WIHS and I am taking physics because the class is SICK. I mean Mr. Fullerton is a great teacher, and i cant wait to learn about all this physics stuff. This year in physics i hope to learn about stuff that deals with physics because then i will know Mr. Fullerton is teaching us the write stuff. :star::eagerness::frog::gorilla:
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