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Everything posted by MrMuffinMan

  1. This was our second Independent Unit in a row and although I like the independent units a lot, I don't think have two back to back was a good idea. I know personally for me I just didn't have the motivation to get the work done and I found myself wasting whole periods. This left me with a lot of work to do last minute(hence the blogs at 11 at night). Also i feel like I don't really understand this unit as much as I do the other units, which is another result of my slacking. But we'll see how the test goes tomorrow. It's exciting to think that we only really have one more unit before the start reviewing for the AP but it's also scary realizing that in a couple weeks we're all going to have so much work to do getting ready for the AP.
  2. F=q(v x R=(mv)/(qB) for a point charge in a magnetic field v=E/B (speed at which an object must be traveling not to feel a net force in a magnetic and electric field) T(torque)=NIA x B F=I(L x B=(uo)q/(4Pi)*(v x r^)/r2 B=u0nI(for solenoids) B=u0*2I/(4Pi*R) (Due to single straight wire) B=u0*NI/(2Pi*R) (between the inner and outer radius of a toroid) Integral over closed surface of (B dA)=0 Integral over closed curve of (B dl)=u0Ip r^=r/|r| Good luck to everyone tomorrow
  3. Anyone who was in class would of heard the great debate about a certain picture that seemed to be rotating different ways. But how can two people see different things while looking at the same picture. Optical Illusions are usually 2-D things that are pretending to be 3-D and since we see life in 3-D so our brain takes the 2-D image we're seeing and makes it into 3-D the reason why people saw the girl spinning in both directions is because she is spinning both ways, only at different times. But when we look at the picture we see it spinning one way, but girl is facing sideways, she instantly flips and starts rotating the other way. This tricks our eyes because our brain wants to continue to see her spinning the same way and the way this image is set up, it's almost impossible to tell which what she is facing when she's facing out of the screen. This picture shows how our brain sees how she is turning. And Charlie was wrong
  4. Released in 1984 Tetris has been confounding physicists as to how the blocks move in the way they do. Now almost 30 years later, the secrets of tetris have final revealed. The blocks are moved using a combination of magnetism and electricity to move the block sideways and down. Unseen to the player each block has a slight positive charge and at the bottom of the screen there is eletric plate that is negatively charged. This causes the block to accelerate downward but it is only on for a few milliseconds before it's turned off in order to keep the block at a constant velocity. As the game goes on, the plate is left charged for longer which means the block reaches a faster speed. When the player presses the down button, the plate becomes negative charged again, causing the block to accelerate again. In order to move the block left and right, when the player press the left or right buttons the game creates a magnetic field. Since the blocks have a velocity downward, the magnetic field exerts a force on the block to the left or right. For example when the play press the right button, the game creates a magnetic field into the screen and by the right hand rule, the block feels a force to the right. And when the player presses left, it creates a magnetic field out of the screen which sends the block to the left. In order to turn a block, the game has to create two magnetic fields in opposite directions(one in, one out) that split the block in half(top and bottom). This creates a torque on the block that causes it rotate. Finally once a row has been filled, it completes a circuit that now has a current running though it. Behind the screen, there is a wire carrying current in the same direction and since wires carrying current in the same direction attract, the row is sucked behind the screen leaving space for the remaining blocks to slide down. Tetris may seem like it defies most laws of physics but we can see that it has to follow the same rules as all of us.
  5. Red Remover is a puzzle game which relies heavy on the laws of physics and breaks almost all of them at the same time. Red Remover is a game where you have to remove all the red blocks by click on certain blocks and making them disappear. This is the and most fundamental law of physics that this game breaks because matter and energy can never be destroyed and even if by clicking on the block caused them to turn into energy, there would be so much energy that it would blow all the near by blocks off the screen. In order to get the red blocks off the screen you have to remove block that are just floating in mid air that feel no effects by gravity. Once these blocks are gone, the blocks that have faces will feel the force of gravity but instead of accelerating the move at a constant speed. Also there are four planes of gravity, one going in each direction, and blocks are only affected by one if any of the forces of gravity. This is wrong because gravity doesn't choose what objects it wants to affect, it has to affect all objects. However this game is very good at the physics of collisions between blocks. When two blocks collide, the will usually continue to move, but the direction they move will change according to where the other block was heading. Even though this game breaks many of the fundamental laws of physics, it is a very good demonstration of have collision can affect objects.http://www.physicsgames.net/game/Red_Remover_Player_Pack_2.html
  6. This again come from MindCipher.com. A person is holding on to a helium balloon in an elevator. The elevator cable snaps, and at the exact same moment, the person lets go of the helium balloon. In the perspective of the person in the elevator, what happens to the balloon the moment the cable snaps?
  7. As Dave said in his post, our computers class has been looking at this website called MindCipher.com. On this website there is a picture that asks, is she rotating left or right. I want to see what everyone thinks because our class is in disagreement in about this http://www.mindcipher.com/puzzles/25
  8. The sport of tennis is the oldest and most love sport in the world. People have been playing tennis ever since the Acient Greeks took a stone and started hitting it back and forth over a fallen tree with branchs. Granted back then the sport was much more dangerous; many an acient greek lost an eye or a limb due to getting hit with the sharp rock that they played with, but even today the physics that govern the game today with the tennis balls with fuzz that sticks to your socks remain the same. Tennis is all about redirection of energy. A ball bouncing off the ground is effected by an impulse that changes the direction of it''s velocity. Current tennis balls are usually so bouncy that the collide elastically with the ground which means there's no loss in energy or speed. Then when the player hits the ball, the player usually swings the racket(or tree branch) which absorbs some the the energy so when the player hits teh ball some of the energy is lost but the ball gains more energy coming off the racket because it gains energy from the racket that has it's own energy that is transfered to the ball. Top spin on the ball causes it to go down because relative to the ground, the top of the ball is moving faster than the bottom so, air is flowing over the top faster, which causes the air to exert a force on the ball downward.
  9. Released in 1984 Tetris has been confounding physicists as to how the blocks move in the way they do. Now almost 30 years later, the secrets of tetris have final revealed. The blocks are moved using a combination of magnetism and electricity to move the block sideways and down. Unseen to the player each block has a slight positive charge and at the bottom of the screen there is eletric plate that is negatively charged. This causes the block to accelerate downward but it is only on for a few milliseconds before it's turned off in order to keep the block at a constant velocity. As the game goes on, the plate is left charged for longer which means the block reaches a faster speed. When the player presses the down button, the plate becomes negative charged again, causing the block to accelerate again. In order to move the block left and right, when the player press the left or right buttons the game creates a magnetic field. Since the blocks have a velocity downward, the magnetic field exerts a force on the block to the left or right. For example when the play press the right button, the game creates a magnetic field into the screen and by the right hand rule, the block feels a force to the right. And when the player presses left, it creates a magnetic field out of the screen which sends the block to the left. In order to turn a block, the game has to create two magnetic fields in opposite directions(one in, one out) that split the block in half(top and bottom). This creates a torque on the block that causes it rotate. Finally once a row has been filled, it completes a circuit that now has a current running though it. Behind the screen, there is a wire carrying current in the same direction and since wires carrying current in the same direction attract, the row is sucked behind the screen leaving space for the remaining blocks to slide down. Tetris may seem like it defies most laws of physics but we can see that it has to follow the same rules as all of us.
  10. The color that we see depends on the frequency of the light. Red Orange Yellow Green and Blue are the colors of light that we can see, so where does pink fit in? To find out, watch this video. How about that minus green flamingo
  11. MrMuffinMan


    We all remember E=mc2which we have heard about ever since we started science and learned about last year. But we didn't learn that that's only part of the equation. The whole equation is E2=(mc2)2+(pc)2 where P is momentum. If an object is stationary, it has no momentum and therefore we're back to E=mc2. Also if an object has no mass(aka light) then E=pc. So the smaller something is mass-wise, then the more like light it acts. Like an electron for example has such a tiny mass it almost acts like light. Velocity is the equal to c*pc/E. You can see that if an object is stationary, then E=mc2 and P=0 so v=c*0*c/mc2 and v=0. This shows that an object with mass can never get to the speed of light because as long as it has mass, the momentum can never be equal to E but it can get very close so pc/E will get close to 1 but never will reach 1 so v can never equal c, it can only get really really close.
  12. Plasma by definition is a highly ionized gas that usually occurs at high temperatures that conducts electricity and is affected by a magnetic field. But did know that plasma is the most common state of matter(if you don't count dark matter which hasn't been proven yet) Plasma is what makes up suns as well as lightning bolts and some regions of the earth's upper atmosphere. A plasma is composed of positive charged ion and free electrons but they're separate despite the attraction for each other. If they were to combine, the would turn back into a ordinary gas. In order to overcome the attraction of the charges for each other, there ether has to be large amounts of energy which is usually heat that keeps the particles moving too fast to combine or there is so much space between the particle that they can't combine which means they have low density. Here on Earth we use plasma to cut metals while on the sun, the plasma form of hydrogen combines to form helium and releases massive amounts of energy.
  13. MrMuffinMan


    This post is all about gravity. All the review made it clear that I needed to work on Gravity. G-6.67*10-11 Nm2/kg2 Fg=-GMm/r2 Ug=-GMm/r (the negative means that gravitational potential is 0 at infinite distance) both of those are given on table g(or gravitational field)=GM/r2 so acceleration of an object in orbit is GMe(6*1024)/(6.3*106+r)2 velocity of an object in UCM since Fc=Fg mv2/r=GMm/r2 v2=GM/r v=(GM/r)1/2 Total energy of an object in orbit E=KE+Ug=.5mv2+ -GMm/r= .5mGM/r-GMm/r=- .5GMm/2r Escape Velocity .5mv2=GMm/r v2=2GM/r v=(2GM/r)1/2
  14. x=v2sin(2theta)/g(when fired from the ground level) t=(2H/g)1/2 y max=v2sin2(theta)/(2g) Fab=Fba W=change in KE W=Fdcos(theta) Vmax= urg1/2 x=r(theta) v=r(omega) a=r(alpha) T=FRsin(theta) wf2=wo2+2(alpha)(theta) atotal=(ac2+at2)1/2 KE=.5mv2+.5Iw2 Parallel axis theorem I=Icm+md2 moment of interia Disk= .5mr2 Ring=mr2 Rod(middle)=1/12ml2 Rod(end)=1/3ml2 Solid sphere=2/5mr2 Hollow shell=2/3mr2 SHM T=1/f x=Acos(wt) v=Awsin(wt) a=Aw2cos(wt) w=(m/k)1/2 Springs in series 1/keq=1/k1+1/k2... Parallel keq=k1+k2 Pendulums w=(Mgl/I)1/2 T=2 pi (I/mgd)1/2 There will be another post on just Gravity and I did read about the LaTeX equation editor but i couldn't get it to work
  15. v=v0+at x=x0+v0+.5at2v2=v02+2ax F=ma F=dP/dt J=integral(Fdt)=change in P P=mv W=integral(Fdr) KE=.5mv2 P=dW/dt P=F*v ac=v2/r=wr2 T=F x R T=Ia(alpha) I=integral(r2dm) v=rw L=R x P=Iw K=.5Iw2 W=w0+a(alpha)t ϴ=w0t+.5a(alpha)t2 Fs=-kx Us=.5kx2 x=Acos(wt) T=2pi/w Ts=2pi radical(m/k) Tp=2 pi radical(l/g) Fg=-Gmm/r2 Ug=-Gmm/r Ug=mgh Part Two coming soon
  16. Gauss's Law Gauss's other Law Faraday's Law Ampere's Law We've already done the first one which isn't that bad and I hope they're all that simple. Although I think the second one means magnetic field though a closed surface is 0. And Faraday's law means something with E field is equal to the rate of change of magnetic flux. And i have no idea what Ampere's law is saying.
  17. We have been told that nothing can go faster than the speed of light but what happens if we took a very long arm and rotated it around an axis. When a wheel is turning, the edges are turning faster than the middle in order to keep up. Lets say we took a laser pointer and pointed at the moon which is 384,400 km away, and flicked our wrist and a radian per second then the end of the laser pointer would be traveling 384,400,000 which is faster than the speed of light. So would the end of the laser be moving at faster than the speed of light?
  18. What is fire? Fire is hot but where does it come from? Fire is the result of extreme heat, usually when organic chemicals combusted with oxygen(thank you chemistry) but where does the light come from? The light results from electrons absorbing the heat energy and jumping up energy levels like we learned last year and the light is produced when the electrons fall back down to their ground state. However fire can look different. The fire from Bunsen burners in chem or propane fires look a lot different that wood fires. The propane fires burn cleanly and they give off blue light. However wood fires don't burn cleanly and there is some blue light but soot and other particles that are burning red hot give off the red glow.
  19. With our last test we finished mechanics and official ended the first halve of the year. Surprising I didn't find the course as hard as I thought it was going to be. AP-B last year taught us most of the basics so we already knew most of the physics that we used this year. The major difference this year was the addition of calculus which isn't terribly hard compared to what Mr. Muz gives us. Also this year we aren't just given most of the equations and told to memorize; we are shown how to derive them and then expected to know the derivation as well as the equation. I'm a little afraid of Electricity and Magnetism because mechanics were easy to visualize which makes understanding easier for me, but when we're talking about tiny electrons, it's not so easy to picture. But hopefully it won't be too bad.
  20. http://crazyarcade.wikispaces.com/file/view/dagobah_happy_wheels_DEMO.swf/182259727/dagobah_happy_wheels_DEMO.swf Before reading this you should play this game and warning it is pretty gruesome. This game has pretty good physics mostly although some parts of the game defy real life. For example the projectile motion is great because when you go off a jump or are sent flying by a land mine your body as well as the part of body that were probably blown off all have a parabolic path. Even the blood spurting out of your body follows projectile motion. You can also see that all objec
  21. If you never actually touch him, the what do we feel when we get really close to another object
  22. So we all know who's going die during the winter
  23. It just goes to show how interconnected and how we use physics every day without realizing it
  24. I don't know about you but I feel like I'm really behind and wont finish everything before Friday
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