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Blog Entries posted by HegelBot153

  1. HegelBot153
    So according to some scientist from another time. Each of an atom's electrons inhabits some energy level in the atom's orbit. To ascend to or descend from one of these, that electron must emit a photon of a specific frequency as a form of energy. One could think of this like an electron living on a floor of a building of many stories. To move up or down, signifying a change in energy, an electron must receive or emit a photon of an energy corresponding with the floor or energy state that its in. This minimum energy to move the electron is a quanta of electromagnetic energy. I believe we will be exploring this further in chemistry and id be happy to report back!
  2. HegelBot153
    The symbol of invention, ingenuity and enlightenment, the light bulb is perhaps a most pivotal invention in the course of human history. The advent of the lamp made it possible to render the dark of night and shed a lambency on the way to the future! Truly, the light bulb is all we could ever ask for. They say 'teach a man to fish and he will not have light but teach a man of the fluorescent lamp and he will have that light!' but in all seriousness let us illuminate the obscure nature of the fluorescent light! Different varieties of the fluorescent light may use cathodes of tungsten that release heat and electrons while being electrically heated itself and this provides the energy needed to produce the 'lighting' effects.As I have said once before in my previous blog about atomic energy levels and their associated light spectra, it was a consummation of this knowledge that we make an effective application of phenomena. A electric current passes through the mercury gas, exciting its electrons and emits high energy light as they descend to ground level. That energetic lights strikes a phosphorescent or fluorescent salt, the white powder inside the glass tube, which emits light itself. A mixture of noble gases which ionize as a result of the heat being generated by the cathodes, allowing sufficient current to excite the gaseous mercury. All these components make for an expensive assembly and their complexities make them a challenge to manufacture which results in a unattractive price. However they are known to be many times more efficient than their incandescent cousins, saving money and electricity in the long term. Fluorescent bulbs are also a environment friendly choice, while containing mercury, the construction of incandescent lamps actually produce more mercury waste. 
  3. HegelBot153
    I was watching this video of a man slapping a molten stream of metal. Let there be no doubt that this fiery stream was beyond glistering, the scathe of flesh and branches, such that man has never seen. Anyways it was bizarre because his hand passed through unscathed, leaving nary a mark. Perplexed, I began to think and when I could not find any bulletproof conclusions I searched the vast corners of cyberspace to discover the existence of what is called the Leidenfrost effect, there before my eyes. In short, when a liquid contacts a surface of far greater heat than its self, the outermost layer of the liquid will boil into naught but a layer of vapor, insulating the whole from heat. The man must have had some sweat or the like on the surface of his skin and when they came in contact with the hot metal the vapor formed a vapor and under the aegis he was not harmed. This phenomenon can be observed when dropping water on a hot pan, they scatter because of this vapor.
  4. HegelBot153
    A friend of mine expressed her misplaced disgust upon seeing the kinetic energy equation, K = 1/2*m(v^2), on one of the Ap Chem packets. Regardless, the kinetic energy helps define the energy gained or lost in a reaction in the form of heat. If it helps, one can think of heat as the kinetic energy of molecules in random directions. If matter is energetic enough, it may undergo phase changes. This is also a form of internal energy, the work that is performed on the surroundings by a reaction becomes heat and is an example of the conservation of energy.
  5. HegelBot153
    In AP Chem, my schoolmates and were using a colorimeter to measure the absorbency of certain concentrations of a colored solution. I notice how any color of light, except for the color of the solution, would be absorbed an amount proportional to the amount of solute disassociated in solution. I wondered why this was? A red solution would absorb blue or green spectrum of light but not red light, in fact from the reading of the colorimeter it would seem that an incarnadine solution would emit red light, give us a negative absorbency constant.  A relevant bit of information would come from the fact that a perfectly white-colored object may reflect all incoming light and a perfectly red colored object would reflect only red light and a dark object would absorb all incoming light. Imagine a ruddy colored mineral, if a blue or green light shone on it the mineral would appear nearly black because it absorbs the light spectrum however if a red light shone on its face it would appear as a brighter red. This was a revelation that occurred to me late Friday during that lab and I would hope that it proffers someone, somewhere some insight into the nature of light. @BrandyBoy72
  6. HegelBot153
    As people begin to join into larger groups, the very size may become a problem itself. Before the year is too far underway, it is important to note that the size of the group in question in particular causes diffusion of responsibility. Sometimes in groups of three or more, individuals feel less motivation to achieve something or work towards an end, often relying on others to complete a task as they feel the same in turn. Groups also may allow things to occurs as a result of inaction, believing someone else will handle things. Sometimes members will shirk culpability for mistakes, perhaps like a poor grade, and attribute it to the group as a whole. So as the year passes, keep these phenomenon in mind as you may be able to prevent them.
  7. HegelBot153
    In opposition to social facilitation there is a second case of phenomenon called social loafing. We have all heard, known or experienced of that individual in media or real life group that slacks off, we may be that person. Now this individual is not a wicked sort nor has the capacity to know what exactly could be afoot, like many of us, they act out of circumstance. As study groups form in the physics classroom this may become manifest over time. Social loafing pertains to the perceived decrease in productivity when efforts are combined. A way to think of it is with a game of tug-o-war, a person alone would exert more of an effort than in a group. So next time an activity in presented to your group, keep an eye out for loafing around. Groups depend on each other after-all so keep each other honest workers and stay motivated yourself!
  8. HegelBot153
    It has occurred to me that I may not be the only one scrambling to type two or three or more blogs today. This is no one's fault, the blame rest on me alone but I wonder at the amusing possibilities that I have avoided by doing these blogs. The dread and anxiety that I could have curbed if only I had been more resourceful or the high-minded topics I would have espoused if only I had the impetus, speaking of astronomy and physical laws and their implications. I should start now, yes, Earth is the third planet from the Sun and its sufficiently heated for water to be in liquid form which gives it its life-giving properties. The charges of the individual atoms of water gives it the surface tension it needs to have the capillary effect, the specific heat capacity to not freeze or evaporate too readily and bring things into solution. Really, the chemical properties are emergent properties of the underlying physics. I guess that's all I came up with for now. 
  9. HegelBot153
    I had a very thought provoking conversation with some fellow students in the spare time of seventh period. The subject of some debate was the true nature of the atomic elements. We are talking of the chemical elements of the periodic table, nothing to do with Avatar: The Last Airbender, one of the greatest animated shows to grace our planet but I digress. Atomic manifest their properties from protons and electrons. A nucleus of protons, positive charges, tends to attract an equivalently charged quantity of electrons, negative charges, that occupy energy levels. Energy levels are stratum of electrons a certain radius from the positive proton nucleus. It follows that a relatively large positive charge would attract a large amount of electrons for multiple energy levels and a wide radius. Only certain discrete amounts of electrons can occupy  an energy level but generally those closest. Now that the groundwork has been established, we can discuss how certain period groups have their properties in a part two.
  10. HegelBot153
    1.a. Learning is fast, knowledge is composed of isolated facts, being good at a subject is inborn and I'm really good at multitasking.
    b. The second belief because many natural occurrences operate on the same dynamic laws and metrics.
    c. Metacognition helps us understand the way we think and improve those aspects of cognition.
    2.a. The intention to learn, paying close attention to the course material as you study, following as learning style, time spent learning.
    b Commitment of information to be considered related and meaningful.
    c. Minimizing distractions, developing good metacognition, processing critical concepts and retrieving and applying those concepts.
    3 Elaboration: Seeking practical examples.
    Distinctiveness: recognize and distinguish concepts, topics and mathematical situations
    Personal: information relative to you.
    Retrieval and Application: this depends heavily on the correctness and accuracy of the information in question.
    Automacity: working independently
    Overlearning: do not confuse certain points of critical information.
    4.a. 1. metacognition: to prepare our conscience for learning exercises
    2.she asked students to gauge how well they performed against how they actually performed
    3. Students tend to overestimate themselves and their abilities as well as underperform when the occasion arises.
    4. The lack of critical thinking in high schools does not do much good in the way of preparing college students.
    5. The mnemonic connections made along the paths of retrieval.
    6. Reading, the relations that compose a narrative are analogous to those made by study.
    b. They both require proactive strategies to be involved in the learning process. Their relation to concepts prior and mathematics involved as well as following known natural laws must use the strategies described in this video series. Best to keep in mind that answers are obtainable and that deep processing must be achieved simultaneously in study.
    c. The choice to be in a group may or may not hinder the efforts of its individuals or as a social organism become an effective team or to isolate one another into focused study a difficult one. However making delegations of members to carry out tasks manages time better than a student alone could.
    5.a. Panic and denial.
    b.reexamine your study habits, reveiw this exam, speak with your teacher and be more prepared.
    C. wholly commit, minimize distractions, attend all classes, set realistic goals and don't slide.
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