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Everything posted by HegelBot153

  1. Provoke not the ire of I. Quick to temper, quick to wit. Verily I see the serpents' lie, perch'd low to befit. Bade not beget a quarrel but beget one indeed. Riven from I alike a valley cleft. Oft I wonder'd my words would have heed but I discover'd a friend bereft.
  2. Two words, ten letters: gun on rails
  3. HegelBot153


    I totally missed out, did not I?
  4. I purchased a bike with the money I made last summer at my dreadful waitstaff job. Anyways despite the working conditions, I now had a used bicycle with several neat gears and a chain. Now I believe that these gears have some relation to my cycles per unit-of-time which I believe is similar to a 'frequency' or cadence of turns on the main gear, perhaps similar to rotational velocity. A second gear operates the driver wheel which lends it similar amounts of speed if I could be so inclined to say so. I am terribly hesitant to draw conclusions, I know. Please forgive my tone but I digress. Anyways the real exciting part was the possible gear ratios, probably around twelve combinations, that all have a part to play in the torque and speed of the driver wheel which is coaxial with the driven gear. The translational speed of one gear is the same as the other however the rub is that the force and rotational speed of this combination depends on the gear ratio and radius. Essentially the driven gear receives from the input gear, the one I peddle, its speed and then a certain gear reduction arises from the quantity; gear ratio. A smaller gear operating on a large gear produces higher torque and lower angular speed while a larger gear operating on a smaller gear has lower torque and higher speed.
  5. An atlatl or spear thrower is one example of mankind's inherent knowledge of throwing spears well. The throw or "casting" involves acceleration, force etc. but the precise action that our mechanisms enhanced our early projectile weaponry is remarkable and telling of humanity's ingenuity. This device acts like an extension of the wielder's own arm amplifying the leverage, involving elements of the center of mass and whatnot, of the throwers arm and wrist. It also improved upon the stability of the cast using a rigid piece of wood or perhaps bone for an an atlatl instead of relying on the muscles of the arm. This balance in the throw is particularly important because the most effective strikes are delivered forcefully at the point of the spear, more pressure is applied at the very narrow end because of force per area. A selection of darts may use fletching to balance the projectile and these fins provide good lift or thrust due to air resistance. The amount of thought that our forebears put into killing things is notable because it is a point towards hallmark qualities that man has that animals do not, our high motivation and ability to plan. This is at the soul of humanity and I believe this is important to understanding our heritage and natural intuition as it is for supplementing our understanding of physics.
  6. In Ap psych this phenomenon was called eyesight.
  7. A trebuchet is a medieval siege engine that can launch a 90 gram projectile a distance over 300 meters.
  8. We consecrate thanksgiving in the abundance that has come to us, not in vainglory but of thankfulness for our lot in life. With a class of a few, we know each other by name and are never far apart. These blogs keep our thoughts fresh and physics at the forefront. Really, AP physics C is a paradise. The packets are straightforward and with a bit of searching, the answers are conveniently there with little confusion on the whole. Our equations are adequate and fulfilling, they are means to an end and I am thank that my forebears had thought them. Thanks, to my teachers and my peers. This year will be worth it!
  9. As a member of that same English class, I say we meme-orialize those moments as part of a happier, simpler time.
  10. Hold up, if lil peep is no longer with us and the peeps candy are modeled after ducks, is this post pretty much a eulogy. I selected option C in the very beginning so I should have some say in the prize given. A carton of peeps candy would do nicely.
  11. The colloquialism "quantum leap" has uses beyond conversation. It describes atomic orbital transitions as electrons "leap" from energy level to another and in the process they either absorb or energy in the form of photons. "Quantum leap" is also used as a figure of speech, a short hand metaphor in language. The idiom may connote a change in something's character, a greater change in energy or excitement or even a "leap of faith" or "jump to conclusions". In my chemistry class, the notes had contained this phase when describing the phenomenon and because the notes somethings took on a conversational tone, I could not confidently differentiate between the two cases. Perhaps this is proof that science is becoming more mainstream, maybe I'm lunatic but believe that understanding many things enriches our involvement with study, that nothing is truly separate. In this way it may be important to know this trivial details.
  12. It has occurred to me that I may not be the only one scrambling to type two or three or more blogs today. This is no one's fault, the blame rest on me alone but I wonder at the amusing possibilities that I have avoided by doing these blogs. The dread and anxiety that I could have curbed if only I had been more resourceful or the high-minded topics I would have espoused if only I had the impetus, speaking of astronomy and physical laws and their implications. I should start now, yes, Earth is the third planet from the Sun and its sufficiently heated for water to be in liquid form which gives it its life-giving properties. The charges of the individual atoms of water gives it the surface tension it needs to have the capillary effect, the specific heat capacity to not freeze or evaporate too readily and bring things into solution. Really, the chemical properties are emergent properties of the underlying physics. I guess that's all I came up with for now.
  13. So according to some scientist from another time. Each of an atom's electrons inhabits some energy level in the atom's orbit. To ascend to or descend from one of these, that electron must emit a photon of a specific frequency as a form of energy. One could think of this like an electron living on a floor of a building of many stories. To move up or down, signifying a change in energy, an electron must receive or emit a photon of an energy corresponding with the floor or energy state that its in. This minimum energy to move the electron is a quanta of electromagnetic energy. I believe we will be exploring this further in chemistry and id be happy to report back!
  14. When someone falls under normal circumstances, they collide with the ground with a certain measure of force and that same force is applied on the person as in Newton's third law. The force applied to a falling person is not instantaneous, but transferred through impulse, it is essentially a change in momentum. So the force of the fall that causes the second highest amount of accidental death in the world is dependent on the impulse or J=FΔT upon impact. The time-span of the impact diminishes the force that would be potentially lethal. Therefore if someone could maneuver a squat out just in time before the impact or hit some deformable substance, the total impulse would be the same but the force is effectively reduced.
  15. If the arrows were enchanted I think this would work out waaayy better.
  16. A friend of mine expressed her misplaced disgust upon seeing the kinetic energy equation, K = 1/2*m(v^2), on one of the Ap Chem packets. Regardless, the kinetic energy helps define the energy gained or lost in a reaction in the form of heat. If it helps, one can think of heat as the kinetic energy of molecules in random directions. If matter is energetic enough, it may undergo phase changes. This is also a form of internal energy, the work that is performed on the surroundings by a reaction becomes heat and is an example of the conservation of energy.
  17. I wish I could climb a rock wall. Sometimes I have rock climbing in gym class but those opportunities are few and far between.
  18. As people begin to join into larger groups, the very size may become a problem itself. Before the year is too far underway, it is important to note that the size of the group in question in particular causes diffusion of responsibility. Sometimes in groups of three or more, individuals feel less motivation to achieve something or work towards an end, often relying on others to complete a task as they feel the same in turn. Groups also may allow things to occurs as a result of inaction, believing someone else will handle things. Sometimes members will shirk culpability for mistakes, perhaps like a poor grade, and attribute it to the group as a whole. So as the year passes, keep these phenomenon in mind as you may be able to prevent them.
  19. In opposition to social facilitation there is a second case of phenomenon called social loafing. We have all heard, known or experienced of that individual in media or real life group that slacks off, we may be that person. Now this individual is not a wicked sort nor has the capacity to know what exactly could be afoot, like many of us, they act out of circumstance. As study groups form in the physics classroom this may become manifest over time. Social loafing pertains to the perceived decrease in productivity when efforts are combined. A way to think of it is with a game of tug-o-war, a person alone would exert more of an effort than in a group. So next time an activity in presented to your group, keep an eye out for loafing around. Groups depend on each other after-all so keep each other honest workers and stay motivated yourself!
  20. Group work has become especially prevalent in the classroom of '17. As teams form, a psychological phenomenon can be observed under the right conditions, social facilitation. The performance of individuals in the presence of others, in other words as a group, tends to be better on doing simple tasks rather than complex or abstract thinking. In physics C, it is quite often we learn new information and thus the performance of the group with ill-rehearsed tasks and problems will most likely degrade and therefore be ineffective. So as this tend of teamwork endures long into the year, remember that utilizing cooperative efforts to acquire new skills may be ill-fated to end sourly.
  21. So by now most, if not everyone has completed a proper LaTex lab report for a basic measuring circles experience. I cannot know but all the more suspect that people may have had problems with LaTex. I for one had a bit of trouble last-minute getting my PDF printed so maybe I'm awkward with this tool or inexperienced with LaTex. What I could have used before was a helpful bit of information concerning the ins and outs of LaTex which I am certain a few overzealous students are well versed in. Anyways I found an important aid for students that may want to learn more about this newfangled tool since it will be pivotal through out the year. I will include the URL below and wish everyone the best of luck with this new tool. https://www.math.hmc.edu/computing/support/tex/latex-hints.pdf
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