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Everything posted by Bogart

  1. Recently, I've been replaying one of my favorite sci-fi video games, and came across a pretty amusing conversation. For some quick context before I post the video, the game is in the future when humanity has advanced enough to have efficient space travel, allowing them to colonize other planets. They also advanced enough to have giant spaceships with giant guns on them. How fun. In the exact scene in the video, there's a drill sergeant yelling at 2 cadets about firing nuclear-grade armaments at other ships. Warning: The following video contains graphic language, even though chances are you don't really care. I just like to think of what events had to happen for this drill sergeant to have to chew out these cadets. Did this Serviceman Chung fire out multiple nukes into space while guessing his aim? It's a pretty amusing scenario, and not that unlikely either. I suppose that if we do manage to advance technology far enough, this would become an issue. We couldn't just fire willy-nilly out into space, because it might eventually hit someone. This is why when I go target shooting at my uncle's house, we shoot towards the bottom of a hill so that any missed shots don't go flying through somebody's window, they just land in the dirt. It also makes me wonder about how much stuff is just floating around the Earth right now. We don't have rings like Saturn, but there's still plenty orbiting our planet. There's got to be paint chips off of spacecraft we've sent up, maybe a tool that an astronaut accidentally let go of while doing an EVA, and just bits of dust from comets or asteroids. Even something as small as a pebble, when flying through space at multiple kilometers per second can do quite a lot of damage to a satellite. Well, that's just my train of thought. If you have anything to add, put it in the comments.
  2. Oh boy have I got the video for you. This is Bruce Lee playing ping pong with nunchucks.
  3. Video 1: - 4 beliefs that make people stupid: - Learning is fast - Knowledge is composed of isolated facts - Being good at a subject is a matter of inborn talent - They are really good at multi-tasking - The belief that knowledge is composed of isolated facts really stuck with me because of just how incorrect it is. Even in AP Physics 1, if you simply memorized all of the equations and nothing else, you probably wouldn't have passed. It's more about how the equations relate to other equations and the problem, and how they can be manipulated to get the correct answer. - Metacognition is somebody's ability to understand a topic. Even if they memorized and know everything about it, they might not understand it at all. There's a big difference between knowing something and understanding it. Video 2: - What you think about while studying is the most important factor in successful learning. - Deep processing is processing something by fully understanding it and connecting it to other topics rather than simply memorizing it. - 4 things that help learning - Minimizing distractions and maximizing focus – I need to place myself in an empty room with nothing but my work. Even then it still might not work, though. - Developing accurate metacognition – Rather than memorizing equations, I should memorize what the equations are for and how it can relate to other equations. - Deep, appropriate processing of critical concepts – I should relate topics to my own personal experiences more - Practicing retrieval and application – I should learn based on practice rather than review Video 3: - 6 principles for optimizing learning - Elaboration – I should relate topics to each other rather than simply focus on each individual topic separately. - Distinctiveness – Just as I should relate two topics, I should also remember their differences and not combine them together consistently. - Personal – Relating stuff to personal experiences can really help us remember them, and I have never done this in the past. - Appropriate to Retrieval and Application – Practicing problems and reciting memorized information would probably severely improve my memory skills, which are currently close to zero. - Automaticity – Practicing something so much that it basically becomes muscle memory. If I do this enough in high school, I won't have to worry about the transition into college nearly as much. - Overlearning – Rather than simply memorizing something, overlearning is continuously practicing something so that my skill in it improves and I become quick and efficient at it, such as studying. I have spent years practicing procrastination, and I think that my skills in it have improved dramatically since I first started. Video 4: - 6 question generation techniques - What were the 6 principles for optimizing learning? - How does relating academic topics to my personal experiences improve my studying skills? - Why does automaticity help study when it discourages deep processing? - Would overlearning drive people to despise a topic, causing them to lose motivation and stop studying? - How do automaticity and overlearning differ? - When have you studied with only shallow processing? - They provide a summary of the lecture rather than copying everything, create memory cues to help remember the information, and actively engage you in the lecture. They have the same benefits. - I would be a part of a study group, and even though I really should, I don't think that I will. This is mainly because other people would be more of a distraction for me, and we would end up bringing each other down. I will help others out when they get stuck on a problem, but probably nothing more than that. Even with my massive procrastination issues, I'm motivated enough to get my work done well. Video 5: - Don't - Panic - Go into denial - Keeps studying the same way - Waits to get help until its too late - Skips class - Falls farther behind before while waiting to catch up - Cram at the last minute - Skip small or late assignments - Give up - Do - Examine how you prepared and be honest with yourself - Did you go to class and do the assigned work - Review the exam - Compare errors with notes taken - Talk with your teacher - Examine study habits - Develop a plan - How to raise grade - Commit time and effort - Minimize distractions - Attend class - Set realistic goals - Don't slide - Don't give away points
  4. Bogart

    About Me

    You don't have to worry about procrastinating, I can do that for you.
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