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Myself and My Interests


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My name is PFowler  and i am 17 years old. There is a lot to say about myself and I find that there isn't anything i can't talk about. In school, I am a hard working individual and i strive for success. I prefer to work in groups and to have a hands on enviornment so I can gain more knowledge about things and I find school fun experience. Outside of the classroom, I am many things. During my free time I play soccer and enjoy playing any sport and hanging out with friends. I am currently number 17 on the varsity soccer team and a returning player. One of the biggest things i can say about myself is that i am a proud Eagle Scout of Troop 231. I got my eagle award in the summer of 2012 and it has impacted my life in such a positive way. Problem solving skills, public speaking, and team work are all my strong suits thanks to scouting and it has made me who i am today. i am an all around great person and i have the highest respect for people and look forward to working with my peers in my classes this year.

I am talikg physics because it was the next class that was put on my schedule. So far i have found that this class will be one of the more interesting and intriguing classes i will take in my high school career. I hope to learn about anything new and interesting. I don't know what Im looking for yet but i bet i will find something by the end of this class. Though i may have a rough idea for what I want to learn, i am up to the challenge of learning new things.

Edited by PFowler
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Hey way to go on becoming an Eagle Scout. That looks so good on college applications. I think we all will learn some interesting this year. I bet we can connect everything that we think of. Like you can connect to soccer as well as your adventures with your troop. And I can connect to hockey. It will be a challenge but we can handle.

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Congrats on your Eagle award! Not only will that look great on college applications, it seems like you have already realized how positively it can affect so many aspects of your life which I've seen in multiple Eagle Scouts that I know. I think you'll enjoy physics this year because you will have plenty of opportunities for group work and to relate physics to things you enjoy, like soccer!

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