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KSP - Garalles Conglomerates

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Team Name: Garalles Conglomerates

Members: Gareth Daunton, Clayton Kralles


Starting Funds: $70,000


Notes: You represent a large conglomerate of varied high tech industrial firms who have come together in an effort to sweep in and take over the Kerbal space industry.  Software tycoon Daunton and hired music video mogul Kralles fresh off a multi-year humanitarian effort to head the conglomerate as CEO, hoping his strong social and relationship skills would help temper the money-thirsty greed of the conglomerate’s financial backers in an effort to safely and efficiently monopolize the market.  It is further hoped that Daunton’s digital integration skills will provide some side income for the firm through innovations yet to be discovered.


The Kerbal government is keeping a close watch on Garalles Conglomerates as they are worried about a monopoly situation.  As such, Garalles is prohibited from engaging in any joint ventures with the other civilian space exploration organizations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Team Name: Garalles

Available Funds: 70,000

Vehicle Name: 10k

Vehicle Parts List and Cost:

1 Command pod MK1: 600

1Mk16 Paracute:422

1 TR-18A Stack Decoupler: 600

3 Rockomax BACC solid fuel booster: 800

3 TT-38K Radial Decoupler: 600

1 Advanced SAS Module: 1100

Total: 6922

Design Goals: Be able to easily reach 10k meters and safely back.

Launch Goal: Gain 10K meters and deploy parachutes with minimal chance of harm to all kerbals involved

Pilot Plan: Just a solid stage of rockets than rockets will be released and the capsle will drift back to kerban with the aid of 4 parachutes








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Time: about 1:20

Team Members Present: Just Gareth

Play-by-Play: Solid Boosters Fired, First stage released, parachutes deployed, saftly drifts back to kerban


Time-of-Flight: about 30 min

Summary: Kerbal safely reached 10K meters and drifted back to kerban

Opportunities / Learnings: Staging and proper parachute deployment

Strategies / Project Timeline: We feel that we are ready to go for a manned orbit

Milestone Awards Presented: manned 10K launch

Available Funds: $66,539














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Team Name: Garalles

Available Funds: $66,539

Vehicle Name: orbit

Vehicle Parts List and Cost:

1 command pod mk1: 600

1 MK16 Parachute: 422

3 MK2-R radial-mount parachute: 700

6 rockomax BACC solid fuel booster:800

1 Rockomax brand decoupler: 200

1 TR-18A Stack decoupler: 600

1 Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel tank: 12500

1 mainsail: 850

6 Hydraulic detachment manifold: 200

1 Rockomax fuel tank: 1800

1 poodle engine: 600

1 SAS Module: 600

1 adapter 02: 50

Total: 24,922

Design Goals: make a successful stable orbit and have little room for disaster while doing so

Launch Goal: create a manned stable orbit and return to kerban unharmed

Pilot Plan: The pilot will be positioning the ship for a proper course for orbit and then once the stable orbit is reached, prepare a course for reentry

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Launch Time: about 2:00

Team Members Present: Gareth and Clayton

Play-by-Play: launch, solid stage released, aim for orbit, main sail released, poodle used to create stable orbit, backwards burn at apoapsis to create reentry, reentry achieved slight regression burn to slow down ship, parachutes deployed, safe landing


Time-of-Flight: I think it was about a 2 days flight

Summary: The mission was a great success, the ship was recovered along with the kerbal. This was a momentous occasion for all of kerban.

Opportunities / Learnings: How to achieve a stable orbit and have a safe reentry to kerban

Strategies / Project Timeline: We will next perhaps try for the mun

Milestone Awards Presented: manned stable orbit

Available Funds: $54,078








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Team Name: Garalles

Available Funds: $114,078

Vehicle Name: space station

Vehicle Parts List and Cost:

1 main sail

1 large fuel tank

6 solids

6 radial decouplers

2 medium tanks

2 decouplers

1 poodle

1 small tank

1 advanced sas

1 mk2 lander-can

6 structural beams

8 small rcs tanks

8 rcs boosters

5 docking ports

4 large solar panels

4 spot lights

4 batteries

4 battery packs

total: 51,340

Design Goals: Create a space station that has enough ports to eventually become a refueling station.

Launch Goal: Figure out how to launch a space station base in to orbit

Pilot Plan: Primary stage is the solid boosters plus some help from the main sail. After the soilds are gone the main sail will carry the ship in to sub space where the poodle will take over to put the station into orbit.

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Launch Time: about 1:50

Team Members Present: Gareth

Play-by-Play: Initial stage with solid boosters and main sail fired. Solids exhausted, sperated, angling ship to 45° toward the water off of kerbal space center. Main sail burnt until in sub space. Main sail detached, poodle engaged. 45° angle maintained up till disired orbital height is reached. Positioned at 90° in direction of trajectory. Wait until apoapsis. Power up utill orbit is expanded to a realativly square orbit. Deployed solar panels and lights. Objective acheved

Time-of-Flight: about 38 hours

Summary: With this successful journey a manned space station and perhaps future refueling station has been put in place.

Opportunities / Learnings: How to get a large object out of the atmosphere and into orbit

Strategies / Project Timeline: Will perhaps try to send up some large fuel tanks to create a refuelling station and perhaps build on the space station

Milestone Awards Presented: Manned Space station around kerban

Available Funds: $62,738

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  • 2 weeks later...

Team Name: Garalles

Available Funds: $192,738

Vehicle name: Cool mun rover


2 large tank

1 main sail

6 solids

6 radial decouplers

1 advanced sas

3 decouplers

1 poodle

1 medium tank

3 landing struts

4 rove max wheels

9 small solar panels

2 small mono tanks

2 rcs boosters

1 linear rcs booster    

3 batteries

1 medium rcs tank

2 lights

1 mk2 cockpit

1 large nose cone

total: 43,510

design goals: get a speedy rover to the moon

launch goal: take our proven speedy rover to the muns surface and do some sweet doughnuts

pilot plan: get into orbit around the earth, transfer to the muns orbit, decrease orbit and descend to the surface of the mun.







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Launch time: about 1:50


Team Member Present: all


Play by Play: launch, solids exhausted decoupled, main sail burns up until low orbit, poodle used to achieve full orbit, transfer close to periapsis of orbit, retrograde burn to achieve orbit around mun, decrease orbit until on collision course, slow decent, ran out of fuel just before landing, hit at about 20 m/s engine, fuel tank and nose cone explode, rover miraculously lands wheels down intact attached to decoupler, decoupler decoupled, rover drives off.


Time of Flight: 1 day, 5 hours, 55 min, 31 seconds


Summery: sweet fast rover landed on the surface of the moon. We can now explore the surface in style and comfort. All systems are in order and running well. Might try to find the Apollo 11 landing site.


Learnings: Rovers are hard to get off of the ship you put them on, until the ship underneath it explodes. Will look into a safer way to deploy rover that involves less random explosions.


Strategies: Continue forward with our landing skills and try to figure out what to do next


Milestones: Working rover on the mun


Available Funds: Waiting on the CFO to put in the hours to get this measure, also not sure who the CFO is. Will try and find that out.

                              Well I found the CFO and he said we still have $149,228 in the bank.













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