Smart Guy Waving

Welcome to IHS AP-C Physics!

Course Description

AP-C Physics is a calculus-based physics course designed to prepare students for the College Board's AP-C Physics Exam. Students should be familiar with basic algebra, geometry, and trigonometry in preparation for this course. Pre-requisite is successful completion of AP-B Physics, and students must take either Calculus AB or Calculus BC as a co-requisite. Students will be required to take a mid-term and the College Board's AP-C Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism exams.

  • Kinematics (1- and 2-D motion)
  • Dynamics (Forces)
  • Circular Motion and Gravity
  • Momentum and Impulse
  • Work, Energy, and Power
  • Rotational Motion
  • Electrostatics
  • Circuits
  • Magnetism


Course Materials

Each day students will need the following materials:

  • Notebook
  • Something to write with (blue/black pen or pencil)
  • Scientific calculator

Course textbook, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 5th ed. by Paul Tipler and Gene Mosca, is available for sign-out from the school library. Students will be required to read the book independently, and will also use the WebAssign online homework system. Student accounts will be provided during the first days of school. In addition, students will make extensive use of the website, which contains a variety of resources for students including:

Helpful Web Resources

"Three things give the student the possibility of surpassing his teacher: ask a lot of questions, remember the answers, teach." -- Jan Amos Coménius

"Never do for students what they can do for themselves."

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