Winter Olympics Project

Regents Physics Project Physics in the Winter Olympics

Assigned      2/12/10        Due 3/2/10

Purpose: To research physical concepts as they relate to Winter Olympic events, and to report this information in the form of a decorative display poster.

Winter Olympic events include such events as:

* Bobsled

* Lugeclip_image001

* Skeleton

* Ice Hockey

* Figure Skating

* Speed Skating

* Short Track Speed Skating

* Curling

* Alpine Skiing

* Freestyle Skiing

* Snowboarding

* Cross Country Skiing

* Ski Jumping

Our group’s event ________________________________

Requirements: A poster no smaller than 18 x 24 inches and no larger than 24 x 36 inches, including the following elements:

1) Title: “Physics in _________________”, neat and legible from 6 feet away.

2) At least one “action photograph” of the event

3) One paragraph telling something about the history or cultural significance of the event.

4) 2-3 paragraphs outlining how the classroom physics you have learned pertains to the event. At least 5 physics vocabulary words must be present. Suggested vocabulary might include (but not be limited to) velocity, acceleration, gravitational acceleration, kinetic energy, potential energy, projectile motion, force, Newton’s 1st, 2nd or 3rd Law, friction, momentum, impulse.

5) A vector diagram that pertains to the information in the written paragraphs. Vectors may include (but are not limited to) forces, velocity, acceleration, momentum, impulse. The vector drawing must be drawn by hand or with a computer design tool. It must not be copied or printed directly from a reference source.

6) Information about a current record held or interesting statistic in your event of choice, with all numerical values converted to SI units (kilograms/meters/seconds)

7) A solved original physics problem (written by you) that relates to your event and the concepts in your paragraphs. The problem need not be difficult, but it must be clearly stated, and the “FSA” format must be used in the solution. Look at the vocabulary terms in section 4 for ideas for problems.

8) A list citing all references used. is not an acceptable reference. is a search engine…not a reference.

9) Names of all group members clearly written on the BACK of the poster.

The project will be graded on content, neatness, overall effect, grammar, uniqueness and correct use of physics concepts.

Some good websites to get you started are:

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