Xtreme Science Club Inaugural Meeting

  • Ever wondered where science could take you?
  • Do you enjoy your science classes, but don’t really see how to apply your knowledge to the "real world?"
  • Want to get involved in something you can be proud of for the rest of your life?

Then come to the inaugural meeting of the IHS Xtreme Science Club on Wednesday (Dec. 2) at 3:10 p.m. in Room 3033 (Mr. Fullerton’s room).  We’ll discuss what we want to take on this year.  Do we want to:

  • Explore the lower reaches of space as high school students?
  • Search for extreme science in our area?
  • Apply our science knowledge to the movies, television shows, and video games of today?
  • Share what we learn by creating a podcast?
  • Build a "green wall?"








  • Explore the dynamics and practicality of the "going green" movement?

This is your club, to explore your interests, in a way that’s fun, exciting, and, of course, extreme!  Hope to see you Wednesday (12/2) at 3:10 p.m. in Room 3033.

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