Test Corrections –> Forces Exam

To assist you in using your graded exams as learning tools, I require that you turn in corrections to any problems you missed. These will be due at the beginning of class on Monday, Dec. 7. While writing these corrections, you may consult with any resources, including the book, classmates, or instructors. You will receive 20 homework points for an honest effort. If your score on the midterm is 90% or greater, you do not need to submit the corrections and will receive 20/20 for the assignment as a homework grade.

In addition, you can gain back half the points you missed on the exam by turning in a completely corrected exam. This is an all-or-nothing assignment. If even one problem is not corrected accurately and completely, you will not receive an upgraded exam score.

I want you to understand what you did wrong so that you will not make the same mistakes again later! Please write your corrections on separate paper, and include a short statement about why what you did originally was wrong (e.g., you misread the problem, you made an algebra error, you thought something was conserved that wasn’t, etc.) Please don’t just say “you didn’t have a clue”; you very likely can tell us more than that about what stopped you from proceeding further. Staple your corrections to your original exam and place in your class’s inbox by the due date.

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