Physics of the Winter Olympics

Bl girl walking with us flag lg clr

In lieu of a formal lab report for January, let’s explore the physics of the Winter Olympics.

In teams of two, I would like you to pick a sport of interest that will be featured in the 2014 Winter Olympics.  Your job, then, is to create a poster detailing the physics and science involved in that sport.  Your report should contain an introduction to the sport, a free body diagram, a force analysis, a work/energy analysis, as well as other physics-related items of interest (ski jumping might have projectiles, for example.  The biathlon might include a momentum analysis, etc.)  To get you started and provide some ideas, check out the following videos in which the science of specific winter sports are highlighted:

Speed skater pacing lg clr

Your poster is due at the beginning of class on Friday, February 14.  Names of contributors should be listed on the back of the poster.