Castle Learning Review Assignments
As we prepare for our comprehensive Regents examination in June, it is important to make sure we are up to speed on material covered throughout the entire year. Toward that end, we will undertake a series of seven Castle Learning review assignments consisting of 50-60 multiple choice questions on each of the major topics we have covered this year. These topics correspond to the short review podcasts available on our course videos page. I would recommend viewing the appropriate review lessons before tackling the Castle Learning assignments. Then, take the Castle Learning assignments with your reference table, the calculator you will use on the Regents exam, and your notebook handy.
Each assignment is worth 50 to 60 points, with second chance correct scores counted for full credit! These are weighty assignments, with distinct opening and closing dates. Because these are being provided well in advance of due dates, you should have opportunity to plan your time accordingly. No credit will be given for late assignments or submissions, regardless of attendance or illness issues.
Assignments and Review Schedule is as follows:

Please take these assignments seriously, and be diligent in your planning and submissions. This is a large portion of our fourth quarter grading, and is an excellent opportunity to put yourself in position for achieving an optimal score on the Regents Physics Exam!