Classroom Expectations

My expectations for the year are simple yet far-reaching:

  1. Come prepared to class each and every day.
  2. Give me your best effort each and every day.
  3. Be respectful – to yourself, to your classmates, and to the instructor.
  4. Conduct yourself in a professional manner.

The following classroom rules should also be observed:

  • No cell phones are to be seen or heard during the entire school day. I will answer and/or confiscate any phone if it is operated or rings in my room. This includes text messaging, taking pictures, or using the phone as a calculator.
  • No electronic entertainment devices are to be used during class time.
  • No pants are to be worn below the waist line. A belt will be provided to you should you choose not to comply.

Materials needed for this class:

  1. Notebook
  2. Calculator (scientific)
  3. Binder
  4. Pen/Pencil
  5. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude

Grading Policy

Homework, labs, and tests are all important to success in this class, therefore, each of these components will be weighted equally. I reserve the right to adjust this grading policy as situations warrant throughout the year.

“Three things give the student the possibility of surpassing his teacher: ask a lot of questions, remember the answers, teach.” — Jan Amos Coménius

“Learning is something students do, NOT something done to students.” –Alfie Kohn

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