Assignment of Grades for Those Opting for Dual Enrollment with MCC

In order to maintain consistency with MCC for those in the dual enrollment credit program, MCC grades will be based on our grading scheme of 50% homework, 50% exams, with letter grades assigned based on the following score percentages.  Please note that regular leveling sessions are likely to occur in which IHS percentage grades are translated to MCC percentage grades.  This means a score of 85% at IHS could be a higher or lower percentage on the MCC scale based on discussions between the IHS AP Physics C instructor and the coordinating University Physics 161 and 261 professor at MCC.

93-100 = A

73-77 = C

90-93 = A

70-73 = C-

87-90 = B+

67-70 = D+

83-87 = B

63-67 = D

80-83 = B-

60-63 = D-

77-80 = C+

Below 60 = F