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Better to Run or Walk in the Rain?



A very popular and interesting YouTube channel I watch is minute physics, where a guy does short videos on different concepts of physics. One video I have recently watched is about whether it is better to run in the rain or to walk in the rain. In other words, which choice will get you least wet.

For one thing, the amount of rain that falls on your head is constant, as when you move out of the way of one rain drop, you move into the way of another rain drop. However, if you are the more horizontal distance that you travel, the more rain will hit you from the side. Therefore, the faster you move, the wetter you become. However, when you are trying to get from one point to the next, the amount of rain you run into will be constant (like a snowplow plowing a volume of snow, the speed it plows it does not change the amount). Therefore the answer is simple: Run. The less time spent in the rain, the better. 

Credit to minutephysics (at YouTube.com) 


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