APlusPhysics Books

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- AP Physics 1 Essentials -- written specifically for the new algebra-based AP Physics course. Print, Kindle, Nook, PDF and interactive iPad editions available!
- AP Physics 2 Essentials -- written specifically for the new algebra-based AP Physics course. Print, Kindle, Nook, and PDF editions available.
- The AP Physics C Companion: Mechanics -- covers the entire calculus-based AP Physics C Mechanics curriculum, with nearly 350 fully-worked out examples. Print, Kindle, iBooks and PDF editions available shortly!
- Regents Physics Essentials -- the entire NY Regents Physics curriculum presented in a concise and friendly manner, with more than 500 fully worked out questions and solutions. Print, Kindle, and PDF editions available.
- Honors Physics Essentials -- algebra-based physics covering a wide variety of topics, including mechanics, fluids, thermodynamics, E&M, microelectronics, and modern physics. Print, Kindle, Nook, and PDF editions available.
- The Ultimate Regents Physics Question and Answer Book -- more than 1200 questions from the past 17 NY Regents Physics exams, organized by topic. Answers included at the back of the book. Available in print and PDF.
- Physics: Fundamentals and Problems Solving for the iPad -- this is the Honors Physics Essentials book re-mastered into an interactive iPad-only format, available direct from the iTunes iBookstore.