Honors Physics

“Whoever wants to understand much must play much.” -- Gottfried Benn, German physician, 1886-1956
Welcome to Honors Physics, an introductory course in algebra-based high school physics designed to provide students a basic understanding of physics principles in the areas of mechanics, work and energy, electricity and magnetism, semiconductors, waves, optics, and modern physics.
Topics of Study
- Introduction
- Kinematics
- Dynamics
- Momentum
- Circular Motion & Gravity
- Rotational Motion
- Work, Energy & Power
- Fluid Mechanics
- Thermal Physics
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Magnetism
- Microelectronics
- Waves and Sound
- Optics
- Modern Physics
For more information, make sure to check out Honors Physics Essentials, an easy-to-read guide to algebra-based introductory physics, featuring more than 500 worked-out problems with full solutions and covering topics such as: kinematics, dynamics, momentum, impulse, gravity, uniform circular motion, rotational kinematics, work, energy, power, electrostatics, circuits, magnetism, microelectronics, waves, sound, optics, thermal physics, fluids, and modern physics.