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So since I've participated in a sport of running called Cross Country, I think I might talk about the physics I'm doing everyday. Let me "run" you through the basics one "step" at a time! I need to stop hanging out with      Briana. So anyways, everyone hates running, but why? Well, because everytime you step, you exert a big force to the ground and the ground pushes back with an equal and opposite force (Newton's 3rd Law). This pounding on your legs, mainly knees and calves, causes pain in the



String Theory

Going back to theory based physics, we now have to look into what String Theory is now. So, to start off with a general idea of what it is, String Theory is the idea of one-dimensional objects called strings are able to move through space and time and interact with each other. Meaning, the idea of String Theory is the idea of multilevel universes living amongst each other. String Theory can also get into various subject (to solve problems) such as black hole physics, early universe cosmology, nu



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