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Physics of taking an exam



So today we had our Regents exam and I had yet to complete my last blog post. As I was sitting and waiting to be dismissed, I was thinking about how hungry I was (as usual). It then occurred to me that physics was involved in my hunger! How do you ask? Let me explain.

Well, starting with last night, I had lacrosse practice. This required me to use mechanical energy. I then slept to regain my mechanical energy from chemical energy. I then added more chemical energy by eating some chicken pot pie for breakfast. This energy was then converted to mechanical energy so I could take my Regents exam this afternoon. Once I had exerted all of my stored energy, I was hungry for some more chemical energy. Thus, I needed more physics.

Not everyone immediately associates being hungry with physics, but as a successful and educated physics student, it was the first thing I thought of!


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