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Second Blog Post



So it felt like a good time to write a second blog so here I am. Writing the second blog. Well we just got back that test on dynamics I think and I got an 8 out of 20 so thats not too good. Slim Shady tells us not to worry about the grade but I don't know how to do that if it's a big part of our grades. I guess the thing that I'm not too good at is making all the algebraic connections we have to make to get from one equation to the other and to solve for all the things we want to find out. And often even when I do know what I'm looking for I feel like there isn't enough information there to get to the desired conclusion. On the test we just got back I feel like I could have gotten a better grade if I actually took the time to draw out a free body diagram instead of assuming there isn't enough information to do the problem and staring at the paper without writing anything out to try and work out the answer. On an entirely seperate note, our soccer team is doing pretty poor and I think it is because of our lack of physics knowledge. A lot of times we just kick the ball over the goal clearly underestimating our initial velocities or the angle we hit it at and that definatly presents a problem for us. I on the understand understand some of the physics of it, I just stink at the rest of the stuff like controlling the ball but its a process after all. Tomarrow is one of our last home games so I guess we should start learning how to play soccer before sectionals gets here. What I'm hoping is that the whole year we don't really care about what we're doing but once we get to sectionals we'll get serious and kick some face. This is not physics related at all but maybe we can just change the website to apwhining or something like that.

This one goes out to all my peeps. Woop woop


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