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Blog Entries posted by TayCro

  1. TayCro
    I was thinking about what to write next for my blog and couldn't think of a thing. Then, suddenly it hit me, how in the world does a hot air balloon work? And of course the answer is physics! I have come to learn that there are 3 main components to a hot air balloon. The burner which is in charge of heating the air, the balloon envelope that holds the air, and the obvious basket to hold the passengers.

    Within the basket there are propane tanks that are stored as liquid rather than gas. When the burner is started, the propane goes to the heating coil which is then ignited by the pilot light. The metal which is heated is what changes the propane from a liquid to a gas. (In order to make the flame of the hot air balloon) I have also learned that the balloon can only go up to a certain altitude before the air gets thinner and buoyany force becomes too weak to support it. The buoyant force which is equal to the air displaced allows us to know that the bigger the envelope in your balloon, the higher the balloon will be able to go. The reasoning behind using a wicker basket is because it's light weight, flexible, and is very absorbent of energy to further help the landing.

    Along with just learning how the hot air balloon works altogether, I also was left wondering how it moved horizontally. The pilots of the balloons move the balloon with the wind, since they can obviously move along with it. By changing how high they are in the balloon, the speed is able to increase the speed with the increase of the altitude. Considering, closer to the earth there is more pressure, it limits the altitude a hot air balloon can go. There are also other factors taking place such as gravity which is weighing down the balloon.

    Learning all of these factors helped answer my questions revolving around the working details of the hot air balloons.
  2. TayCro
    As a volleyball player and also a physics student, it’s only natural that I came about the question as to how physics is related to serving and hitting. I knew that in order to jump higher, or to have a harder, faster serve or hit physics must be taking place. I came about these equations that relate to the physics behind this sport:

    Vf = Vi + at
    V^2 = Vi^2 = 2ad

    Finding the acceleration of a volleyball player would allow us to find out the speed of a player whose velocity is increasing or decreasing within a certain amount of time. As well as the player, the ball also has an acceleration. During a serve it is very likely that the ball has a constant acceleration. Throughout the distance of the ball being served, the velocity is constantly increasing thus the velocity is increasing at the same amount for these time intervals.

    Hitting is not all about contact and force. It also has a lot to do with timing. After the ball is set your brain is assessing the speed and placement of the set thus creating a time frame for your approach. With seeing the distance needed to travel and the velocity at which the ball is traveling, we can calculate the time needed to make this approach. This is found through the equation:

    V= d/t

    After doing this research I have concluded the many possibilities that are related between volleyball and physics. We can assess the acceleration of a ball or the timing of a player all through physics!
  3. TayCro
    I was thinking about going on vacation since it is now summer and that lead me to the question of how to airplanes fly. I have come to find that it is the result of Bernoulli's experiment that resulted in the founding that if air speeds up the pressure is lowered. This explains how the wings are lifted. As the air goes faster over the top of the wing,it creates the region of low pressure.
    After finding out this informetion I came to the question of, why does the air go faster over the top of the wing? I came to the answer that the distance that the air must travel is directly related to it's speed.
    The avergage speeds of the air over the top and under the wing are determined by measuring the distances therefore we can calculate the speed using our formulas. From Bernoulli's experiment it is stated that we can find the pressure forces and therefore the lift.
    A wing generating lift is used through Newton's first and third laws. The first law states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion and object in rest tends to stay in rest unless a force is acted upon it. His third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    Hope you enjoy this post!
  4. TayCro
    The rollercoasters main purpose is to build up potential energy. This concept can best be described by as the roller coaster gets higher in the air, gravity has the ability to pull it down a greater distance. This energy you build going up the hill (potential energy) is further released as kinetic energy. This is the energy of motion that takes you down the hill. While going down the hill, gravity takes over and this built up potential energy changes to kinetic energy.

    Gravity applies a constant downward force on the cars. At the top of the hill, it is the maximum potential energy. This is then converted into kinetic energy. At the bottom of the hill there is maximum kinetic energy. This energy is what makes the roller coaster go up the second hill.

    The gravity pulls the car towards the ground thus providing acceleration to the cart. While the track starts to lift up, the gravity applies this downward force on the back of the coaster which causes decelleration.

    Another principle that can be related to a roller coaster is Newton's first law of motion. This states that an object in motion stays in motion. The coaster will maintain the foward velocity.

    Another fun fact is that the flunctuation within the coaster from the acceleration is what makes the ride so fun!
    Not only is a rollercoaster fun but it involves a ton of physics!
  5. TayCro
    The rollercoasters main purpose is to build up potential energy. This concept can best be described by as the roller coaster gets higher in the air, gravity has the ability to pull it down a greater distance. This energy you build going up the hill (potential energy) is further released as kinetic energy. This is the energy of motion that takes you down the hill. While going down the hill, gravity takes over and this built up potential energy changes to kinetic energy.

    Gravity applies a constant downward force on the cars. At the top of the hill, it is the maximum potential energy. This is then converted into kinetic energy. At the bottom of the hill there is maximum kinetic energy. This energy is what makes the roller coaster go up the second hill.

    The gravity pulls the car towards the ground thus providing acceleration to the cart. While the track starts to lift up, the gravity applies this downward force on the back of the coaster which causes decelleration.

    Another principle that can be related to a roller coaster is Newton's first law of motion. This states that an object in motion stays in motion. The coaster will maintain the foward velocity.

    Another fun fact is that the flunctuation within the coaster from the acceleration is what makes the ride so fun!
    Not only is a rollercoaster fun but it involves a ton of physics!
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