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Cheerleading has many different parts that all connect to physics. From flipping to throwing someone up in the air. There is also physics behind jumping. In our routine this year, we have a jump sequence that requires us to do four jumps in a row: pike, side hurdler, and two toe touches. According to physics, our jumps are governed by the basic law of ballistic trajectories. The muscles in our body help us to get off the ground in a tight manner, adding kinetic energy to our body throughout the jumps. The more muscle you have to help with the physical means of your ability, the more kinetic energy you gain for your velocity. Mechanical power is also involved in jumping off the ground. This is one of the key determinants for the distance and height of the jump. In cheerleading, your jumps are supposed to be high off the ground and you must be able to stay in basically the same place for each jump. If you are all over the place like in the series of jumps above, your jumps may result in a sloppy, low jump. Our bodies apply additional vertical velocity, at launch, trying to conserve as much horizontal velocity as we can.


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