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Football Physics

I have found that physics is prevalent in football in many different ways, from the projectile motion of the throws and kicks to the forces of momentum in the tackles. When the quarterback throws the ball, if follows an arch where the ball is going up, comes to a stop in the vertical direction, and then starts coming back down, and hopefully falls into the hands of another player. For this to happen the quarterback must take into account the angle at which he releases the football because the hi



First Blog Post

So I'm kind of cutting close here with this blog post starting it at 11:30 on Friday night but I'm not worried. I guess that from this you could gather that I am a little bit disorganized and I procrastinate a little bit but other that I am a hard worker. I like physics a ton and hope to become an engineer of sorts when I get older, but I'm not sure what type yet. I love to play soccer and we finally won our first game tonight and I expect many more to come. In terms of physics, I'm taking AP-C



Daisy on Stairs

For all of you who don't know, my dog's name is Daisy and she is a schnoodle, not that that relates to this post at all. The point is that she has trouble with our stairs, because they go up, then there is a platform, they then turn left and there are two more stairs that lead to the most of the bedrooms. The problems she has is that when she is at the bottom she can get a running start and then make her way up the first set of stairs, but then she loses all this momentum due to the friction of



Christmas Lights Chaos

Well my mother and I recently decided to take down our Christmas lights that we hung along the roof line of the front of our house this year, and the original plan was to set up the ladder and unhook a few, then move the ladder over and do it again, but this seemed to be taking a unneccessarily long time. So, using my physics knowledge I told her just take one off, and then drop it and the force of it falling down would hopefully be enough to pull down the next one and then instead of painstakin




Recently I was thinking about how I wanted a car and then I got to thinking about how a car really works and seeing as my dad is a car fanatic, he had taught me but it had never really occured to me as to the physics involved. The pistons in the engine are attatched to a crank shaft which is eventually attatched to the axle and it spins the wheels. But, to make the pistons in the cylinders move, physics is needed. First, the piston is closed almost all the way, and then a small amount of gas is



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