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Faster or Slower

What's better.....being faster or being slower? Obviously faster. Have you ever wondered why some people are faster than others though? Are there trends? To understand the basics physics of running, you can think of your arms as pendulums. A pendulums velocity depends on the length of the pendulum, not the mass of the bottom. If the pendulum is shorter, the speed of the mass at the bottom is faster. Your mass at the end of the pendulum you can think of as your feet. Then proceed to assu



Baseball Swing

It was a cold day outside. Probabaly somewhere around 40 degrees farenheit out on the field. All bundled up, we were taking batting practice. When my turn came up I knew I had to work on something, I was 1 for my last 5 in game at bats and that, in baseball, is considered poor. I knew that to turn something around at the plate, I needed to fix my swing for the better and whenever you fix something in the sport of baseball, physics will always somehow be incorporated. While taking batting



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