Football seems pretty stupid to me. Athletes line up across from eachother, then run at eachother as fast as they can. However, football is my favorite sport to watch. There is alot of large forces coliding in football. Every colision can be related back to physics. The force of anything is determind by its mass and acceleration. The larger the mass of an athlete and the more acceleration an athelete has the larger the force the athlete can produce. NFL players can produce large forces on
Rocking chairs are by far the coolest chairs. Someone should invent a rocking sofa. I'd buy it. There's alot of physics that goes into the rocking back and forth of a rocking chair. The motion is started by the person sitting in the rocking chair. Utilizing the strenght of their legs they push against the ground. This causes the chair to rock upwards. Then the chair rocks downward due to the curved nature of the chairs base and newton's second law, every force has an equal opposite force.
Snowboarding is my favorite thing to do. Carving into the mountain and gliding down its smooth surface makes me smile. Physics plays a huge role in snowboarding. Newton's third law, any force has equal but opposite force, directly applies to snowboarding. When carving on a snowboard, the rider exerts a force on one edge of the snowboard and the snow on the mountain counteracts this force allowing the snowboarder to carve into the mountain. Being abble to understand physics and apply it to t
Ive been playing lacrosse for a pretty long time now. Yet ive neglected to notice the physics that apply to lacrosse until i began taking physics my junior year. Now i realize that many concepts i learn in the classroom apply to me on the lacrosse field. For example, every time I take a shot, the path of the ball becomes a projectile. The velocity and placement of the ball are determined by the force i apply to it and the downward acceleration of gravity on the ball. Also, while shooting cr
Hello everyone, earlier today i was riding a pretty cool scooter. The scooter has two wheels in the back and one in the front. The two back wheels are positioned in a way that enables the rider to drift/ make verysharp turns. This relates to dinamic motion in physics. The shifting of the mass of the rider of the scooter side to side proppels the scooter forward. Also, when preforming a turn the rider utalizes the swindiling back wheels to sharpley turn. This video will demonstrate:
As I learn more and more in my regents physics class i realize that everyting we accomplish in our lives outside the physics classroom can be directly related to what we discover inside the classroom. Even making sandwiches filled with delicious peanutbutter and strawberry jelly can be applied to physics. The force used to spread the jelly and peanutbutter on the bread is an example of horizontal motion, the more force applied the smoother the spread. Increasing the velocity in which you spre
Hello, my name is Ian and i enjoy skateboarding. This year i decided to take physics and while learning about the concepts of motion I realized these concepts are directly related to skateboarding. Physics can be applied to everything, the understanding and comprehension of physics can also help me in my progresion of skating. To move while skateboarding the rider uses the force of pushing their foot against the ground to increase their velocity. The greater force applied the more velocity i