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Doctor Who-based Physics C blog (with a few other TV shows thrown in for fun)

Entries in this blog

Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 9: "Flatline"

This is really exciting! In my last blog post I talked about how it would be completely impossible for the T.A.R.D.I.S. to land on Earth's surface without so much as denting it. Well, one of the most recent episodes of the show the Doctor actually explained why the T.A.R.D.I.S. CAN land on Earth without even scratching the surface of the planet. Naturally, it's time lord science and probably not really possible in real life. In the episode the Doctor says "Clara, I need you to pick up the T.A



Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 1 "Voyage of the Damned"

In this episode, the Tenth Doctor is on-board an intergalactic cruise ship modeled after the Titanic (yeah you would think they would've known better) which has traveled from a distant planet to observe the Earth holiday of Christmas. That's not what I am here to talk about though. When the ship gets hit by meteors, the compartment where the T.A.R.D.I.S. (time and relative dimension in space)- which is the Doctor's time-travelling spaceship- was being kept gets destroyed and the spaceship gets s



Doctor Who Season 2 Episode 3 "School Reunion"

So in the third episode of the second season of Doctor Who, the Tenth Doctor had a brief stint as a physics teacher. To clarify, the man with the glasses is the Tenth Doctor, not be confused with the Eleventh Doctor who was in the last post. Anyways, he asks the class some questions to test their knowledge. One question was this: "I coil up a thin piece of nichrome wire and place it in a glass of water, then I turn on the electricity and measure to see if the water temperature's affected. My q



Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 2 "The Beast Below"

A quick reiteration for anyone reading this that doesn't know what Doctor Who is: it's basically a show about a time-travelling alien and his human companions (you really should watch if you haven't). My weekly blog posts are going to be about the physics of Doctor Who from episodes past and present. I'm not going to get into the physics of time travel just yet though. I'm going to start with this: So there is an average, run of the mill human being floating in space with nothing but her



Blog Post #1

Hello! If you are reading this then you've found your way to my physics blog. To be honest, I did not expect to be doing this sort of a thing when I chose to take AP Physics C, but I'm not complaining either. A little about me first then. I believe I am fairly strong intellectually, particularly with math and science because I find it much more interesting than most other subjects. I hoping that AP Physics C will help me improve my calculus skills though, as the concepts are new to me. H



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