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My Lack of Basketball Skills Explained

Tonight our CYO basketball team had its first practice and it looks like this year we'll be a force to be reckoned with amongst the other schools in our vicinity. However, I'm not sure if I can claim any part of this team's skill. I may account for 1/100 of our team's entire skill. In order to make myself feel better, I can explain why this is so using some fairly simple physics. Some undesirable facets of my game include: My layups I have a tendency to miss shots that some might consi



Ping Pong Physics

This past Halloweekend, I enjoyed playing a game of ping pong (or table tennis for you nomenclature inclined folks) with one of my fellow compadres, despite the result not ending in my favor. While some might dispute my strategies, claiming them as "unorthodox," I consider them successful for the most part and would definitely employ them to any worthy challenger. However, I will just do a basic overview on the physics that came to mind the other day when I was playing.  First and foremost,



Leaf Blowing (Pt. 2 - C.O.G.)

In my last post I discussed the physics of leaf blowing, in the theme of the fall season we are experiencing currently. This weekend, while I continued the struggle of doing leaves at our foliage ridden house, I had to blow off the roof and clean the gutters using the leaf blower. While I'm not afraid of heights like some people are, I do realize the danger of being 20-30ft above the ground on a surface sloped toward my certain demise. In addition to the force I feel down the slope, which w



Tis' the season

Greetings Comrades, Fall has many seasonal activities that come with it. One of these that I find rather unpleasant is raking/blowing leaves, due to its apparent futile nature. This past weekend, since my dad purchased another leaf blower, we were both able to use one and cut the time in half nearly to do our house's leaves. However, using a leaf blower can be frustrating due to the forces of air resistance and wind, which take away a substantial amount of kinetic energy from the leaves. 



Adverse Weather's Effect on Soccer

As we near the end of October where most of the inclement weather begins, I'm starting feel the effects of it during our team's games. Recently, we have had games where wind has been a big factor. Wind, a form of kinetic energy, has a massive influence on the way each team must  play the game. For example, if you have the wind at your back, you can take shots from further out, because the ball will experience less of a resistive net force against its path of travel while in the air - thus giving



Blog Numero Uno

Alike my compatriots, this blog opens a year-long voyage through real life physics applications. I guess a good place to start my introduction would be what I do other than school (which could begin to exponentially decay in the upcoming weeks =) ). I thoroughly enjoy participating athletic activities, including Soccer, CYO Basketball, and the occasional round of Golf - even though I am utter garbage at it. I enjoy dressing well and have been told my shoe game is fire, however my friends don't l



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