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Are Air Bags Harmful or Useful?

You rely on an airbag to save your life in a big car crash. But should you trust your airbag to save you life? Does it always help you or does it do more damage? Airbags are controlled by the laws of motion and are activated and fired through a carefully controlled explosion. They are triggered by high velocity and open up at more than 200 mph.  According to the NHTSA, these airbags have been responsible for 296 deaths, including 191 children, 92 drivers, an adult passengers.  Problems started with early airbags. During crashes, they were inflating with such force that they killed or seriously injured  children, small adults, and other people who were too close to the bag when it inflated. So, even though airbags can save your life, not everything is perfect. Airbags as of now are the best option, but do you think we should push for something better or are airbags safe for us? The real question is do you trust your airbag to save your life?


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