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An Physic

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An Physic C

This year in physics C I have learned many things. Many of which have expanded my knowledge in physics and as a person. I have learned much about myself. I now know that I wont be able to understand everything the first time, that I need to work hard to achieve the things that I want, and that Mr. Fullerton is for the boys. While I haven't been the best student this year, I can confidently say that Mr.Fullerton has taught me many skills that will stay with me for the rest of my life. From teaching me about mechanics to E&M and to how to study, I have learned a lot. Physics C has showed me that I really like physics and that it is with out a doubt the most astonishing thing ever.

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Not quite sure I understand what "Mr. Fullerton is for the boys" means, but glad to hear you've gotten something out of the course.  I, too, am glad you've stuck with it.  Couple more weeks of pushing and the finish line is in sight!

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