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 Image result for batman dead 

Batman should be dead. Rate 5 stars and I'll tell you why. 





I'm waiting....





Okay cool thanks. Just kidding. It's because of his cape!

Image result for batman leaping off skyscraper

Do you really think batman would be able to survive a leap off of a skyscraper? Let's find out. A group of students from the University of Leicester did an actual experiment using mathematical simulations. They give a wingspan estimate of 15 feet. An average skyscraper is 492 feet high. When an electrical charge is sent through batman's cape in Batman Begins, it turns into a rigid glider. It was calculated that he would travel a total distance of 1,148 feet. That's cool and all, but how would he land? What speed would he reach? The students calculated that he'd reach a top speed of 68 mph, and land at 50 mph. If you think he'll be okay, the  students reason that you should "consider impact with a car traveling at these speeds." New movie idea: Batman is the new Flat Stanley. 

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