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Partners in Crime (I Mean Physics)

I'd like to dedicate this blog post to the person who has gotten me through this year.  You know who you are.  Do you annoy me sometimes?  Absolutely.  Do I annoy you sometimes?  I sure hope so.  All jokes aside, we do make a good team.  We work well together because neither one of us is a follower.  We are both independent, which is helpful when one of us is missing something.  If you miss something, there's a good chance I caught it, and I'll point it out.  If I miss something, there's a good chance you caught it and you'll point it out.  We don't leave each other in the dark.  If one of us doesn't understand something, we explain it to each other until it makes sense.  If one of us is having a rough day or week, the other steps it up and does what they can to help make something more manageable.  Do we get of topic?  Let's not lie to ourselves, of course we do.  However, we also know when we really need to crack down and get a lot done.  It may have taken us awhile to get there, but we did.  We are close enough that we aren't afraid to tell each other to shut up and work when we need to.  We also aren't afraid to be wrong. We know that no one is perfect, especially in this class.  We don't judge each other for making a mistake, we know we'll make more and more, and that's okay.  Overall, you make things more enjoyable, even when I say you don't.  It was great to take on such a challenge with you and support each other along the way, while of course making lots of jokes.  I couldn't have asked for a better lab partner.  We're partners in crime (I mean physics). Thanks for a great year.

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