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Flying like a bird only faster



In today's world we've almost all been on a plane at least once in our lives but it was just over a hundred years that the Wright brothers flew for the first time. The physics behind flight is not very complex at all but most people don't think about what's keeping them from dropping 30,000 feet in a 490 ton airplane. In the follow picture we see the all the forces acting on the plane and we all know that for the plane not to fall from the sky the net force in the up direction has to equal 0 so the lift has to be greater than the weight of the plane. But what causes lift? Fluid Dynamics. Even though air isn't a liquid it's still a classified as a fluid and follow the same rules. According to Bernoulli's Principle, faster flowing fluids exert less force than slower moving fluids. So when the air flows over the wing, it has to go further because of the shape of the wing so it goes faster and exerts less force than the air flowing underneath the wing. This creates a force up lift which is how a plane stays in the air.



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