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One way only



Every Police/Law enforcement show has an interrogation where the criminal sweats it out while the detectives stand behind a one way mirror. How do this mirrors work? It's all about the light. Think of you're favorite interrogation room with a one way mirror in it. It's almost always bright in there while the room on the other side is kept dark. you might of thought like I did that it was to blind the suspects but in reality it's how the mirror works. A one way mirror is basically just half a mirror. The glass is treated with a special substance so that instead of every molecule in the glass being reflective which would make it a no way mirror, the reflective molecules are spread out so that only about half the molecules are reflective. Now when the police make the interrogation room really bright, half the light bounces back and there's enough of it to create a reflection. The rest of the light passes though the mirror so that eyes in the other room can take in the light and pass the image to our brain. On the flip side since the other room is so dark, the light from the interrogation room drowns the other rooms light, like a loud noise drowning out a quiet noise, and nether side see the image of the other room in the glass.



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