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Posts posted by DannyW654

  1. Matthew Fiordeliso

    Grace Saxby

    Xiao meng jiang

    Danny Waheibi


         Breaking News 4 high school students had discovered the acceleration due to gravity what they had used was a dodgeball a ruler to measure the height from the dodgeball to the floor and a stopwatch to calculate the time. What they did was dropped the dodgeball and measured how long it had taken for it to hit the ground. They did that 3 times and found the average time 0.64 seconds. what they discovered was the acceleration due to gravity is 11.9 meters a second however, it seems that they had some error which turned out to be a 21.3% error because some scientists just moments ago found out that the true number is 9.81 meters a second. this seems rather truthful because the students were using a stopwatch which can lead to inaccurate measurements while the scientist had used state of the art equipment so it seems accurate that they would have a large percent error and that’s the end of the breaking news report.

  2. Hi, My name is Danny and I have a passion for music and technology. Right now i am in the IHS wind ensemble and taking AP Music theory. I also am currently taking computer programming and AP calculus AB to help with my understanding of computers. I intend to major in music with programming as a back-up plan.


    I chose to take on Physics as I felt that the course would supplement me with information that would help with my music and technology careers. I'm hoping that we'd delve into understanding sound, since it would help me to analyze the sound played by music. As the course also covers a lot of mathy stuff and such, I feel that it could help me with understanding computers and how they work. Ultimately, I believe that physics will give me a feel as to what i should expect with my careers and such.

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