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Lassos and Physics



blog-0995721001390794219.jpgCowboys are awesome. Not the Dallas Cowboys, they suck. Part of the reason they are so awesome is because of their lasso, and their ability to wield it. I may know how to tip cows, but being able to throw ropes around their heads and round them up is ten times cooler. This action of spinning said lasso can be applied to physics in that a physics student such as myself can use their knowledge to find the centripetal force and centripetal acceleration of the action.

The centripetal acceleration of an object is found by taking the velocity of the object, squaring it, and then dividing that value by the radius of the circle. In other terms, ac=(v^2)/r. If the velocity of the lasso was 10 m/s, and the radius of the lasso was .25M, then the centripetal acceleration of the lasso would be 400 m/s^2.

Then, to find the centripetal force, one must take the value of the centripetal acceleration, and multiply it by the total mass of the object. So if the mass of the object was .1kg, then the centripetal force of the lasso would be 40N.

Sorry Dallas Cowboys fans. Better luck next year.


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