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Nail in Wood

My Dad has been doing a lot of work in our house and doing construction in our downstairs bathroom, and from observing him while he works instead of helping, and I have learned physics from the work that he does. As we all know, objects never really come in contact with each other, the magnetic forces of one objects electrons just push against the magnetic force of the other objects electrons, and since they are both negative, they push each other apart. When you hammer a nail into wood then, th



Hockey Fighting

Because this year the Buffalo Sabres picked up two new players who are built for wrecking people and getting in fights, I have learned a lot about fights and how they work. When hockey players get into a fight on the ice as they often do, there is a lot of physics involved. What usually happens when 2 players get in a fight, they grab each others jerseys with one arm and punch at each other with the other hand, and because when one person punches the other and the fist applies the same amount of



Walter Lewin Dotted Lines

As everyone in the world of physics knows, Walter Lewin has the ability to draw dotted lines with perfection. They are perfectly straight and spaced out, and he can draw them in mere seconds. To do this, as a master of physics he can figure out how to do it with ease and teach his students some extra physics as well. To draw his lines, he must have calculated the kinetic friction of the chalk on the chalkboard, and then held the chalk at a certain angle so that the sin and cos forces will be per



March Madness

After realizing that there was nothing to watch but college basketball for about a month long stretch of time, I eventually gave in and started watching the games and I found out that all the players must be masters of physics. I found it amazing that they could always throw a ball from like 20 feet away into a hole that is 10 feet in the air and is just a little bit larger than the ball. They need to throw the ball with enough arc that it can fall through the hoop easily but then they must also



Daisy on Stairs

For all of you who don't know, my dog's name is Daisy and she is a schnoodle, not that that relates to this post at all. The point is that she has trouble with our stairs, because they go up, then there is a platform, they then turn left and there are two more stairs that lead to the most of the bedrooms. The problems she has is that when she is at the bottom she can get a running start and then make her way up the first set of stairs, but then she loses all this momentum due to the friction of



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