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Lacrosse is a contact sport in which players use cradle and pass the ball to score. Players can use their bodies to check or delay other players on the field. Also, players can “check” other players’ sticks with their own sticks in order to loosen the ball from the stick’s pocket. I play attack so the sole goal of my playing is to shoot and score. The top arm exerts a pushing force on the shaft, the bottom arm a pulling force, creating a type of lever. This forces the head forwards which create




Last weekend, Erica and I went to soccer practice and we applied our drills to units we have learned in physics class. Little did I know, everything we did had related itself to physics and a unit. For example, when kicking a ball from one end of the field to the other, I could determine the velocity of Erica's kick along with my own. First, I would measure the distance between where the ball would start and end. Then, another teammate would time how long it took to get to the opposite end. Usin



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