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The Physics of Swimming

As summer gets closer, the weather gets warmer and everyone itches to get outside. One of my personal favorite things to do on those hot summer days is to go swimming! So many people enjoy it and it is something that they do all the time, but the majority of people don't stop to think about all of the physics that is involved in it. And there is a lot! First, the most obvious is the difference in gravity. When you are just walking around normally, you stay on the ground. You never begin t



The Physics of Roller Coasters

As summer approaches, people get more and more anxious to finish up with their classes and school work. They want to get out of the hot, sticky schools and get out into the sunny fresh air. I know I do! Going to amusement parks like Seabreeze or Darien Lake is a great way to pass the time and have fun too. Although you may not realize it, many of the rides there have a lot to do with physics! One of the most popular rides are roller coasters and that involves tons of physics. First, there i



The Physics of Jump Roping

As a kid one of my favorite past times during the summer was jumping rope. My sister and I would love to go out with the kids from our neighborhood and do this for hours on end; we even knew all of the silly rimes that people sang! Little did we know, there was a great deal of physics that is involved in this activity. First, when jumping rope, one has to jump up and down to hop over the rope and this is because of gravity. The force of gravity lets the jumper come back to the ground after



The Physics of Softball

Although you may not realize it, there is physics in everything you do! It is especially apparent in activities like sports, including softball. The majority of the time, this physics has to do with momentum with the hitting as well as fielding. First, when fielding the player must be able to judge the rate at which the ball is coming towards them. By seeing the distance, realizing how high and at which angle the ball was a hit at, they are able to do that. This helps them decide whether t




I have always hated it when my parents came upstairs at night and turned on the hall light while I was trying to sleep. For some reason, the light from the hallway would somehow get into my room while the door was closed and make it brighter. I never knew why the light coming from a small source like from under a door or through a little hole would light up an entire room or look so much bigger and brighter than it originally seemed to be. This was until recently, when we learned about diffra



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