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Physics in Music

We all listen to music daily and share a large appreciation for it however we don't necessarily stop to think about how music travels in sound waves or how they work. We all know that waves transfer energy but sound waves are considered mechanical waves because they require a medium in which they travel through which could be any substance or material that carries the wave along from one location to another and in this case, air would be the medium for sound waves. They travel through the air an



Physics in Music

We all listen to music daily and share a large appreciation for it however we don't necessarily stop to think about how music travels in sound waves or how they work. We all know that waves transfer energy but sound waves are considered mechanical waves because they require a medium in which they travel through which could be any substance or material that carries the wave along from one location to another and in this case, air would be the medium for sound waves. They travel through the air an



Physics of kickball

Everything we do in life involves physics in one way or another and sports illustrate physics in many ways, especially in a game of kickball. To begin with, you have a person pitching the ball which they use the force of their arm to pitch the ball at a steady, constant pace. Depending on how much force the pitcher used, the ball either rolls all the way to the kicker's foot or it slows down and comes to a rest. This represents Newton's first law of motion because the ball keeps rolling until it



Physics of driving a car

When operating a vehicle, physics is involved in numerous ways. For instance when a car is parked and at rest it represents having an initial velocity of zero meters per second. Also, you have the forces of gravity and normal forces acting upon the car to keep it from moving on earth's surface. Since the vehicle is at rest, it also contains potential energy because its energy is stored and currently not at use. As soon as the car starts moving, you now have kinetic energy which represents the en



Physics of running

While running on a treadmill one day I noticed that a lot of physics actually took place while running. When one engages in running, you use kinetic energy because your body is now in movement and using energy. When you first begin to jog or start running, your initial velocity is zero meters per second because your body is still at rest and hasn't fully begun to move yet. As you begin to engage in the activity, you begin to jog at a light constant pace which means you maintain a constant veloci



The physics of dance

When analyzing dance and the specific movements of dance, you realize that a lot of physics are actually involved in this activity. For instance, when looking at a dancer, you realize they maintain very good balance because its essential in being a good dancer. Having balance means that a dancer's center of gravity must remain directly above the area of contact with the floor because it will ensure positive vertical posture and balance that will keep you from tipping and falling over. Maintainin



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