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The Physics of Riding an Evelator

Today I rode about 3 billion elevators over the course of 8 hours. Acceleration plays an important role in elevators. When an elevator goes up a floor, acceleration is going down and when the elevator is going down a floor, acceleration goes up.



The Physics of Shading

Shading. It seems like a simple art task, but it's more complicated than you think. There's a lot of physics involved with shading. Shading is when you make a 2D drawing 3D. Most of the physics involve is friction. The more force you put on the paper, the darker shade is.



Physics in a Rihanna concert

Either you have never seen a Rihanna concert or you were completely deprived as a child and teenager, everyone has seen clips of her concerts. In addition to the Man Down, Rude Boys and Umbrellas features a lot of physics. In order for Rihanna to rise from the inside of the stage, a lift must be there to lift her up, literally. this lift features one of Newton's laws. An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. At the end of the show, confetti is blown all throu



Physics in the "Anaconda" music video

As many people have seen, Nicki Minaj's recent music video for her new song "Anaconda", has physics written all over it. Over the course of the video, an apple and a banana are seen rotating on a record player. In order to get the record player rotating, the rotator must accelerate in order to move at a constant speed. In addition to the fruit, Nicki, Drake, and everyone else in the video are all being pulled down on Earth due to gravity.



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