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Batman's Cape

Batman, being one of the few comic book heroes without actual powers, has connected with thousands of people over the years because of this fact. Instead of using Super-strength or Super-speed he relies on his superior intellect and gadgets to defeat his enemies. Most notable of his gadgets is his cape. His cape has gone through several changes over the years. From being just plain cloth, to fireproof and bulletproof cloth , to being given a flexible skeleton to use as a glider. The latter can e



Physics Of Watchmen

The most critically acclaimed DC Comics Graphic Novel in history, "Watchmen", has the most creative plot that I've read and some of the most grounded and realistic plot devices used in comics. Given that it is still a story of superheroes, most of the physics involved do work given one miracle exemption. Click on the link to find out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmj1rpzwDRZ0



Flash's Supersonic Punch

For those of you who follow the CW's newest show The Flash, you would know that Barry Allen's greatest accomplishment is when he was able to punch Girder, a metahuman with the ability to turn his skin to steel, in the face without breaking every bone in his hand. He was able to do this by traveling 340.29 m/s aka the speed of sound. This would work because the force of the Flash traveling at that speed is capable of shattering even solid steel.



Superman Physics

After watching the original Superman movie from 1978, starring Christopher Reeve, I noticed something strange. This film has a reputation of being the best and most realistic of all the old Superman movies, so I found it strange that it has the most phoned-in plot device I've seen in a long time. Of course I'm referring to the ending where Superman, enraged by Lois Lane's death, flies so fast around the earth that he actually rewinds time to right before she dies. Watching this now that I'm olde



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