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Physics of Hydroplaning

This weekend, I was watching a movie in which the main characters were driving in a heavy rainstorm and the car hydroplaned. This got me to thinking about the physics behind hydroplaning. Hydroplaning occurs when water prevents the tread of a tire to make contact with road itself. With heavy rainfall, a layer of water builds up on the road very quickly. When there is a layer of water between the car tire and the road, there is a smaller coefficient of friction, if any.  Because there is little t



Always Causing a Raquet

Just last week the varsity tennis team had sectionals. As part of our school’s second doubles team, we were not seeded in the bracket. This led to us unfortunately having to play the number one ranked doubles team in the section, first. There was no way we were going to win, but we started playing, and it was the best that we had played as a doubles team all season. Why is that? Why is it that it’s easier to play better against a team that is ten times better than you? Momentum. Each time the ba



Take a Hike.

My family has never been one to go on vacations to the Bahamas or to go on a cruise, instead we go to national parks and go camping and hiking for a couple of weeks. Because of that I guess I've become one of those crunchy people that finds hiking extremely relaxing. While on a hike this past summer, my dad asked me, "why does hiking take so much longer than just walking on flat ground?" And of course my automatic answer was a mumbled "idunno" because I didn't want to have to think about a real



First Blog Entry

Everyone else started by saying that this was their first blogpost, and I’m not really sure how to start, so I guess I’ll do that too! This is my first blogpost for AP Physics C. A class that everyone told us was the most difficult, and yet here we all are. A few things about me are that I enjoy playing tennis and volunteering through girl scouts (nerdy, I know). I also play the violin in the school orchestra and I have an unfortunate love of puns. I would like to think that my strengths are in



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