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An Physic

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The Physics of stealing a cat

So a couple years ago a good friend of mine got his cat stolen! While I'm not very fond of cats at all, i felt very bad for my friend because he loved his cat. Looking back at it now i wonder the amount of work put in to steal a cat. The average cat weights about 4.04 kg, or 8.9 lbs for us Americans. So lets say the catnapper was a master of stealth and snuck up on our feline friend, they would have had to grab the cat and pull it quickly of the ground. The average height of a person in North Am



The future of energy

Hydraulic fracturing is the future. Hydraulic fracturing or other wise know as hydro-fracking is a process used to obtain natural gas from deep down in the earth. A drill is first used to drill deep down into to earth and then horizontally for about 8000 ft each way. 6-8 million gallons of water and a small amount of other chemicals are pumped down into the ground with such force that it breaks rocks and other earth materials containing natural gas. One of the major drilling sites is the Marcell



The Physic of the Clean and Jerk (Kinematics)

The clean and jerk is an Olympic weight lifting movement where the lifter pulls the the bar from the ground, catches it in a squat, stands up from the squat and thrusts the bar over their head.  The clean is performed by pulling on the bar off the ground with a high velocity, once the bar reaches about chest height, the lifter drops under neath the bar and catches it on his shoulder, and sits in a low squat position. The lifter then pushes up with a high velocity to stand back up, this is the



Physics in Counter Strike Global offensive (CS:GO)

Counter Strike Global Offensive, or CS:GO for short, is a competitive PC shooter game where 2 teams of 5 fight over an objective with only 1 life each round. While CS:GO is very fun and competitive, it also has some very interesting physics to the game. In The game some of the more powerful weapons are able to shoot through different materials, some being wooden doors, large creates and even other players. Depending on the weapon used, the damage through the material changes, for example, if you



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