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Blog Doctor Why

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Why am I in AP-C Physics?

Recently I've been thinking: Do i really want to take C in high school? So far i feel completely overwhelmed but have been waiting for that "ah-HA!" moment that seems to be drifting away. I think of the students that are taking ap econ, calc BC and physics C, and they seem to be doing just fine, so why can't i seem to handle ap econ, calc AB and physics C? I would feel quite frankly, like a lame quitter if i dropped out, and even the term "dropping out" has, "you fail" written all over it to me.



The Sonic Screwdriver

The sonic screwdriver used in the British sci-fi TV series Doctor Who could become a real-life tool, capable of moving and manipulating objects using only ultrasonic sound waves. Bruce Drinkwater, an ultrasonics engineer at the University of Bristol states “We have developed a device that allows us to use ultrasonic forces to move small objects like biological cells around to sort them or to assemble them.” Tiny crystals are made to vibrate by passing an electrical current through them, pr



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