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Reflecting On Physics Class

It seems like just yesterday I was beginning regents physics class, and now it's almost over. It's been a struggle, but somehow, I got through it. Since this is my last blog post ever, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on this year in regents physics, so here it goes.

When I first started this class, I knew right away I was going to have a hard time in it. I have never been very good at science, but I figured since physics involves a lot of math, it would not be too bad. I was mistaken. Usually in the beginning of a difficult class, I never understand anything at first. But one day, all of a sudden, I will just automatically understand it. That never happened for this class unfortunately.

Though this class was extremely hard for me, I did manage to learn a couple of things. There are some units I kind of enjoyed, and the catapult project was fun. A lot of the demonstrations were pretty cool too. The most valuable thing I learned this year was that your attitude can completely make a situation either better, or much, much worse. When I walked into class with a negative attitude, I never learned anything. But when I walked in with a semi-positive attitude, I actually picked up on a thing or two.

Though I will most likely never take a physics class again, I have to say that in a way, I'm glad I stuck with it throughout this year. Dropping did occur to me a few times, but if I had, then I knew whatever work I had put into this class would have been for nothing. In life, everyone has to go through things they might not want to, but in the end, things turn out to be not so bad. As many times as I might have said I hated this class, I guess it really wasn't so bad after all. And taking this class really made me admire anyone who goes into this field, because it is not easy.

To conclude my last blog post ever, I just want to thank Mr. Fullerton for putting up with my horrible test grades and negativity all year. Taking regents physics class was definitely an experience I will never forget, and I haven't really decided if that's a good or bad thing yet. Just kidding! Maybe.


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