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The Physics of Going to Physics Class

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Reflecting On Physics Class

It seems like just yesterday I was beginning regents physics class, and now it's almost over. It's been a struggle, but somehow, I got through it. Since this is my last blog post ever, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on this year in regents physics, so here it goes. When I first started this class, I knew right away I was going to have a hard time in it. I have never been very good at science, but I figured since physics involves a lot of math, it would not be too bad. I was mist



The Physics of Singing

Like most people, I really love music. I listen to it all the time, and then last night, it hit me: I could right about the physics of singing for my next blog post! To start off with some general knowledge, sound is the sensation you experience when your auditory nerves are stimulated by vibrating air molecules. A sound can be represented as a waveform. The height of the waveform represents the amplitude or loudness. The distance between two successive peaks in a waveform is called the peri



The Physics of Picking Out Clothes

For many, shopping for clothes and deciding what to wear each day are both enjoyable activities. Buying and planning out outfits takes a decent amount of thought, and it depends on various factors. For example, if it's hot out you would be smart to dress in light clothes, and if it's colder out, you would be smart to dress in warmer clothes. However, surprisingly enough, physics can also play a huge role in effecting what you wear every day. To start off, the electromagnetic spectrum has a lo



The Physics of a Concert

Last night I was at an awesome concert, but as I looked around, I realized how much physics can truly relate to everything going on around me. First of all, if you are at a concert, you expect to hear some music. That must mean that sound waves have to be traveling through the air for everyone to hear it. As I was sitting there enjoying the concert, I realized that the speed of sound in air at STP is 3.31x10^2 m/s! This made me extremely happy to have some background information on sound wave



The Physics of Sitting in Physics Class

I am going to explain a little bit about how physics can relate to me walking to and sitting in my physics class everyday. First of all, the total displacement from the class I have before this to my physics class is approximately 100 meters. It takes me about 180 seconds to get to my class, because I stop in the hallways and stuff. Using the equation v=d/t, I can them determine that my average velocity is .56 m/s. However, as I get closer to the classroom, my average velocity decreases signi



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