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Hello, it's nice to see you.

Wow, did last year go fast. AP-B was quite a voyage for me, and I would like to thank Mr. Powlin for leading the way in the best way possible. I learned a lot in AP-B and decided that I would like to learn more, and now here I am in Physics C.

Anyway I should probably tell you a bit about myself. I am an avid programmer, I mostly code in java and have most of my experience in the android platform. I actually programmed the revised aplusphysics app (which you can find here) for android. You should download it and let me know what you think. So, instead of programming, I also spend a lot of my time sailing. I sail J/24's and 420's through the Rochester Yacht Club during the summer as well as during the fall and spring season of high school.

I look forward to learning about how we can derive the equations we used in AP-B so I can better understand the equations and how to apply them. I also look forward to applying the physics we learn to things that happen in the real world, cause' that's the coolest part of physics (at least in my opinion).

Regardless of what we do in physics this year I'm sure I'll have fun.



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Thrilled to have you in the class, and a belated thanks for updating the Android APlusPhysics App -- now to just find something I can run Android on to play with it!  Make it a great day...



I thought the derivation of last year's equations was very different...but it does in fact supply you with a better understanding of how these seemingly random physics concepts are closely related!



Wow, coding is going to help you immensely in your future - what a cool skill to have! So glad to have you in the class, good luck this year!!

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